- Mao Yushi's dedicate design for the operation of the fund is solid basis. 茅于轼在基金制度设计上的独具匠心,是基金可持续发展的坚实基础。
- Although Mao Yushi also is with popularizing economics knowledge oneself, but his work is not average person place think popularize reader simply. 如果一个理论复杂得无以还原成普通的事物,恐怕还是因为没有透彻地理解它。虽然茅于轼也以普及经济学知识为己任,但他的作品都不是一般人所认为的简单的普及读物。
- The survey comes on the heels of a heated debate over comments made by renowned economist Mao Yushi, who said he was "speaking for the rich and working for the poor". 在此项调查之前,著名经济学家茅于轼“我要替富人说话,为穷人办事”的言论引发了激烈讨论。
- Economist Mao Yushi said that the high and low share prices of the companies worth, a figure which is very useful, false price signals allow shareholders to bear the loss. 经济学家茅于轼表示股价的高低表示了这个企业值多少钱,而这个数字是非常有用的,虚假的价格信号会让股民承受损失。
- If "History will remember today's date" as the "female matchmaker" Chen Ming - Kin's claim that Mao Yushi old also qualify as "a milestone in the taste," somewhat strange. 如果“历史将记住今天这个日子”算是“媒婆”陈明健的自诩,茅于轼老先生也要称其为“具有里程碑的味道”,就令人有些匪夷所思了。
- Mao Yushi talked about capital efficiency 茅于轼谈资本效率
- Mao Yushi, Researcher of Unirule Institute of Economics 天则经济研究所研究员茅于轼先生
- Chairman Mao is our great leader. 毛主席是我们的伟大领袖。
- “There's an overinvestment in infrastructure,” Mao Yushi, the respected 80-year-old head of a Beijing research organization, said in an interview this week. “在基础设施建设上的投资过多了,”年逾80岁高龄的北京某研究机构带头人,德高望重的茅于轼先生在本周接受采访时说道。
- Mao Yushi 茅于轼
- Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939. 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念白求恩》一文。
- Mao Zedong(Mao Tse-tung)departed this life in 1976. 毛泽东逝世于1976年。
- We must spread Mao Tsetung Thought. 我们必须传播毛泽东思想。
- Chairman Mao himself gave me that power. 这是毛主席亲自交代给我的。
- The Author: Professor Yushi Mao is a micro-economist who has held positions at Harvard University and the Beijing Institute of Economics. 作者简介:茅于轼教授是哈佛大学和北京经济学院的微观经济学家。
- Still, Mao chose to treat my remarks at face value. 毛还是宁愿按照表面价值来对待我的谈话。
- Mao was an ardent student of philosophy. 毛泽东是个认真研究哲学的人。
- Mao Zedong Thought is an ideological system. 毛泽东思想是个思想体系。
- That was Chairman Mao's strategic decision. 这是毛主席的战略决策。
- If this goes on,it will debase Mao Zedong Thought. 这样搞下去,要损害毛泽东思想。