- Before the Fordism's crisis, it had been the main manufacturing mode in the world. 在福特制危机之前,福特大规模生产方式一直是世界上产品制造的主流方式。
- Suggested the advanced manufacturing mode may be an approach to realize the opti-mized dynamical mechanism. 然后,论述了清洁生产最优动力机制实现的途径之一是先进制造模式。
- An advanced manufacturing mode is characterized by distribution, flexibility and agility, which decide the features of the distributed measuring system (DMS). 现代先进制造模式以分布式、柔性化、敏捷性为特徵,决定了新型测量系统的特点。
- How to control the quality of production under the multistage manufacturing mode in networked manufacturing environ- ment is a difficult problem. 如何控制多工序生产模式下产品的质量是网络化制造环境下企业质量管理的重点和难点之一。
- SMB is a unique manufacturing approach that is based on the advance manufacturing mode philosophy such as, lean production and concurrent engineering. SMB是在总结精益生产、并行工程等先进制造模式思想基础上形成的独特的制造方法。
- Green Virtual Enterprise (GVE) is the contemporary manufacturing mode which is proposed to adapt to the changing market and meet the need of sustainable development of humanity. 摘要绿色虚拟企业是为适应市场的快速变化和人类社会对可持续性发展的需要而提出的现代制造模式。
- This article analyzed the condition of domestic teaching reform of new machinery specialty, and put forward a new experimental teaching system form of enginery specialty facing to advanced manufacturing mode. 摘要分析了培养面向新型制造业模式人才的意义、国内机械类新专业教学改革现状,提出了机械类专业面向新型制造模式的实验教学体系形式。
- This new market condition forces the enterprises to look for some new manufacturing mode in order to improve the productivity, shorten the responding period and cut down the production cost. 新的市场发展环境,迫使企业将竞争的焦点转向寻求大幅度改进生产率、加快反应速度和降低成本的新型制造模式。
- This paper mainly describes open networked manufacturing mode, netwo rked real-time monitoring, numerical control equipment E-service system and fram ework and function of networked remote fault diagnosis. 阐述了开放式网络化制造模式、网络化实时监控、数控设备E-服务系统和网络化远程故障诊断的构建与功能。
- With the rapid development and wide use of information technology, network technology, and the Internet technology, networked manufacturing has become the most promising manufacturing mode in recent years. 随着信息技术、网络技术、特别是Internet技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,网络化制造成为近年来最具潜力的制造模式。
- Top oilpainting workshops is a company which professional in hand oil painting.We features in lowest-mode manufacturing mode, efficient quality-checking way;which wins us many many big orders. 我们专业生产各类题材手绘油画\内外画框制作\镜框相框制作,我们具有最廉价成本的生产经营模式,有效对作品质量的检测手段,能够完成规模性的大宗生产订单量。
- Abstract: Green Virtual Enterprise (GVE) is the contemporary manufacturing mode which is proposed to adapt to the changing market and meet the need of sustainable development of humanity. 摘 要: 绿色虚拟企业是为适应市场的快速变化和人类社会对可持续性发展的需要而提出的现代制造模式。
- Mass Customization (MC) has been an important manufacture mode in information times. 大批量定制(MC,Mass Customization)已成为信息时代制造企业的重要生产方式。
- Because of its feature of order-oriented production planning, the agile manufacturing mode of modern manufactures could adapt the current changeful market. 现代制造企业的敏捷化制造模式,以其面向订单组织生产的特征,能够适应当前快速多变的市场需求。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Basing on scientific labor axiology, Marx founded the theory of surplus value, which opens out inherent contradiction and movement regularity of capitalistic manufacture mode. 马克思在科学的劳动价值论的基础上创立了剩余价值学说,揭示了资本主义生产方式的内在矛盾和运动规律。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- The spacecraft was in its recovery mode. 这艘飞船处于返回状态。
- How to Design SC Based on MTO Manufacturing Mode 基于MTO生产方式的供应链设计研究
- He changed his whole mode of life. 他改变了整个生活方式。