- Manufacture of New Type Grader 新型分级机的研制
- In the course of manufacture of new type drive-belt (represented by synchronous belt), which requires winding displacement uniformity and stable tension. 摘要以同步带为代表的新型传动带制造成型过程中,要求排线均匀且张力恒定。
- The manufactur of new type sidewall corer of impact 新型井壁取心器的研制与应用
- Manufacture of new type solar energy current controller 新型太阳能电源控制器的研制
- Research and Manufacture of New Type Bin-face Sprayer 新型仓面喷雾机研制
- Manufacture of new type printing devices (laser printers, ink-jet printers) 新型打印装置(激光、喷墨打印机)制造
- The Researching of New Type Feedback Electricity State Transducer. 新型馈电状态传感器的研究。
- It provides reliable basis for design of new type arrester. 本文结论可为新型缓冲器设计提供可靠依据。
- Research and Manufacture of New Type Copper-Aluminum Explosive Compound for CPU Radiator 新型铜铝爆炸复合CPU散热器的研制
- The Fault Tree Analysis of Drilling Pump Valve and Manufacture of New Type of Drilling Pump Valve 钻井泵泵阀的故障树分析及新型泵阀的研制
- Double involute gear is a kind of new typed involute gear. 双渐开线齿轮是一种新型渐开线齿轮。
- At the exhibition we saw a lot of new type plastic products. 在展览会上我们看见许多新型的塑料产品。
- He devises a new type of transistor. 他发明了一种新的晶体管。
- A new type of gird material used in acid battery industries,used in the manufacture of sealing or less maintenance or free maintenance batteries. 该合金是铅酸蓄电池工业的一种新型板栅材料,可做成全封闭、少维护型或免维护型蓄电池。
- The paper introduces the synthesis of SX-SR-2 filmogen of new type. 介绍SX-SR-2新型成膜剂的合成。
- A new type of car is on the market now. 现在一种新型小汽车正在上市。
- The new type of bus comes into service next month. 下月这种新型公共汽车即可投入运行。
- Design and manufacture of a new type of planar flexure hinges micro-grabber were introduced based on the research of flexure hinges associated with an opening-closing experiment. 在研究柔性铰链的基础上,介绍了平面柔性铰链微夹持机构的设计与制作,并对此进行了张合实验。
- He thinks of new york as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。