- A robust method of the passive target tracking for the maneuvering emitter 辐射源机动目标被动式鲁棒跟踪一种算法
- Single Station Passive Ranging Location Technology for Maneuvering Emitter in Shipborne EW System 舰载电子战系统中对运动辐射源的单站无源测距定位技术
- Maneuvering emitter tracking with a single passive observer using IMM algorithm based on unscented transformation 基于UT变换的机动辐射源单站被动跟踪IMM算法
- Jockeys maneuvering for position. 使用手段而取得优势
- It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. 工厂向大气中排放黑烟现在是违法的。
- Maneuvering emitter 机动辐射源
- Maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步
- Fireflies emit light but not heat. 萤火虫发光但不放出热。
- Animal bodies emit perspiration. 动物身体会出汗。
- Improved skill at maneuvering a spaceship. 关于提高飞船的机动技术。每级技能增加飞船最大速度5%25
- Evaded! That's some crazy maneuvering! 回避!这机动!简直疯了!
- Delete the current emitter library? 删除当前的发射器库吗?
- Do you know the distance to a light emitter? 那么你怎样知道一个灯光投射器的距离值呢?
- The emitter has two methods to send events. 发射器有两种发送事件的方法。
- Free emitter resources - close the emitter. 释放发射器资源关闭发射器。
- Send the event - send the event using the emitter. 发送事件使用发射器来发送事件。
- To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound. 嚎叫,咆哮发出悲伤,哀怨的长音
- To emit a dim or intermittent light. 发出微光发出暗淡或柔和的光
- To cause to emit a flash of light. 使发出闪光,使闪耀
- To emit a hollow, twanging sound. 发出嘭的一声发出一种中空的咚咚的声音