- Mandril anastomosis 套管吻合术
- All the patients underwent colectomy+stage one anastomosis and colonoutlying with different interoperative preparation with which we compared the healing up of anastomo... 结论粪便吸引组作为一种术中紧急肠道准备方法,其吻合口愈合情况优于前两组;结肠一期吻合加外置的方法有利于观察吻合口的愈合情况。
- Mandril reset on Lahuang 4, block 12 stopper. 顶杆靠拉簧4复位,挡块12限位。
- Pick up test mandril and place in BOP stack. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组。
- The anastomosis must be done with great care. 吻合时必须格外小心。
- To be connected by anastomosis, as blood vessels. 用吻合术接合通过吻合术使接合,如血管
- Results The lower canalicular laceration of 48 case were all subjected to anastomosis successfuly.Conclusion In lower canalicular laceration repair correct finding out the breakpoints and anastomos... 结论下泪小管断裂只要准确无误寻找到断裂端并进行正确吻合,术后留管时间恰当,都可取得满意的治疗效果。
- Tracheal resection with primary anastomosis was performed. 我们将含病灶的一段气管切除并将两断端直接吻合。
- The anastomosis should be done at spinal conus level. (2 )手术宜选择在脊髓圆锥平面 ;
- Mechanical mandrel, axially actuated via machine pull rod. 机械夹紧心轴;通过机床拉杆轴向操纵.
- Anastomosis of parotid duct is the normal treatment. 腮腺导管损伤多采用端端吻合方法。
- The winder will consist of an air expanded winding mandrel. 卷取机由气动胀缩卷筒组成。
- Objective: To observe the anastomosis of hepatic veins. 目的:观察肝静脉之间的吻合情况;
- This motor drives the mandrel on the printing station. 该马达驱动印刷工作台上的圆形芯轴。
- Pathological choroidal retinal anastomosis is relatively rare. 病理性脉络膜视网膜血管吻合的病例相当的少有。
- Slanting mandril was adopted to assure the dnockout core of lateral pores. 采用斜顶杆以实现反口盖侧向小孔的抽芯。
- A disk attached to the mandrel of a lathe to hold the work to be turned. 面板安装在车床活动芯轴上以使工件转动的盘
- Adopt delaminatin anastomosis for mucosa layer and muscle layerin esophagus. 食管胃采取黏膜层和浆肌层分层吻合。
- An O-ring provides a simple means of retaining the bearing on the mandrel. O型圈提供在芯棒上保持轴承的简单方法。
- Results Among the 56 cases,no patients died,no anastomosis fistula occurred. 结果一期切除吻合术56例中,无死亡病例,无吻合瘘。