- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- One of the survivors needed plastic surgery. 一名幸存者需要接受整形手术。
- Mandibular plastic surgery 颌面外科
- She looked rejuvenated after plastic surgery. 她做完整形手术后显得年轻了。
- They look as though they have had plastic surgery. 这两个人看上去像做过整容手术似的。
- Plastic surgery is out of the question. 进行可塑性手术是不可能的。
- A specialist in plastic surgery. 整形外科专家。
- Plastic surgery of China exceeds korea. 中国整形超过韩国!
- You have a plastic surgery fund. 你有外科整形手术资金。
- And so, she decided on plastic surgery? 因此,她打算去作整形手术?
- She had the plastic surgery last year. 她是去年做整形手术的。
- Has Cai Yilin done plastic surgery? 蔡依林做过整形手术吗?
- Is laser depilated calculate plastic surgery? 激光脱毛算整形手术么?
- A saddled nose can be fixed through plastic surgery. 鞍鼻是可以通过整形外科手术治好的。
- A Democratic senator is in the hospital for plastic surgery. 一位民主党参议员正在医院里做美容手术。
- Plastic surgery has developed rapidly in recent years. 近年来整形外科手术进展很快。
- You were his alibi in exchange for free plastic surgery, right? 条件就是你要当他的人证, 然后来换取免费的整形手术,是吗?
- Plastic surgery is a high-wire act. It's too dangerous. 整形手术是个冒险的举动。太危险了。
- Conclusion The technique of small injury diorthosis for prominent mandibular angle under endoscope is an ideal mandibular plastic technique with safe... 结论内窥镜下微创下颌角肥大矫正术是安全可靠、创伤小、操作精确的下颌角整形技术。
- She is still expected to undergo some plastic surgery. 另外,塞隆此后还将接受数次整形手术,以恢复腿部的美观。