- Mandarin tone in Chinese 汉语声调
- "Seven" and "auspicious" were in partial tone in Chinese, "double seven" double ghillie, is a lucky day. “七”又与“吉”谐音,“七七”又有双吉之意,是个吉利的日子。
- Does the furniture tone in with the curtains? 家具与窗帘的搭配协调吗?
- Foreigners are confused by the four tones in Mandarin Chinese. 外国人分不清普通话的四个声调。
- The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet. 新帘幕与地毯的颜色非常协调。
- It's in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂。
- You stop caring about tones in your Mandarin. 不再担心说北京话的腔调。
- The pervading tone in the radar room was calm. 雷达室内总是保持着平静的气氛。
- A note or tone in the alt octave. 高八度音符,高八度音调高音谱表上方八度音中的一个音符或音调
- In terms of pronunciation, there are four tones in Chinese, among which vowels are dominant in syllables. Therefore, speaking Chinese is like singing songs. 汉语是一种非常有特点的语言。从语音上来看,汉语有四种声调,元音在音节中占优势,因此说起汉语来像唱歌一样优美悦耳。
- Your hat and shoes tone in well with your dress. 你的帽子和鞋与你这身衣服很相称。
- The tone in his voice brooked no argument. 他的声音里透露着一种不容争辩的语调。
- In addition, it was found that the fourth tone in Mandarin Chinese is quite identical to English stress in terms of acoustic properties as well as perceptional cues. 结果显示:受试者在辨识声调的感知的时候,主要的依据是声调的起伏和曲折,和调值并没有直接的关系。
- There was a friendly, bantering tone in his voice. 他的声音里流露着友好诙谐的语调。
- The seventh tone in the diatonic scalein solfeggio. 唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音。
- I found a certain acid tone in his comments. 我察觉出他的评论中尖酸的言论。
- Holmes used an informal, chatty tone in his essays. 霍姆斯在文章中语气轻松随便。
- In Chinese history peasants rebelled several times. 在中国历史上,农民曾数次造反。
- Do Genetics Determine The Role Of Tone In Language? 遗传学决定语言中声调的作用?
- This is holographic tone in action. 这是起作用的全息音调。