- Mandarin Curriculum Design 华语课程设计
- This is the curriculum design which I does! 这是我做的课程设计!
- Why Learner Analysis is Important in Curriculum Design? 为什么学习者分析在课程设计中扮演重要角色?
- Its main method for curriculum design is theme-based units. 主题单元是其一种重要的课程设计方式。
- The Curriculum Design of Chemistry Tutor's Specialization Development before the Job. 职前化学教师专业化发展的课程设置。
- The results of curriculum Design are evaluated synthetically with the theory of Fuzzy mathematics. 阐述了应用模糊数学理论。
- The use of 8255 for analog car taillights of curriculum design, assembly language version. 利用8255实现模拟汽车尾灯的课程设计,汇编语言版的。
- VFP database design report and curriculum design, content management system for the material! VFP数据库课程设计及设计报告,内容为物料管理系统!
- I spent three days time to do the curriculum design, a lot of loopholes, only for reference. 该工具是本人用了三天时间做的课程设计,可能有很多的漏洞,仅供大家参考。
- Data structure of the curriculum design, car park management issues. Classic problem. 数据结构的课程设计,停车场管理问题。经典问题。
- Computer hardware technology foundation curriculum design, use of assembly language Taximeter prepared. 计算机硬件技术基础课程设计,用汇编语言编写的出租车计价器。
- To achieve three basic page algorithm, FIFO, OPT, LRU, their curriculum design, code less room for improvement. 能实现基本的三种页面算法,FIFO,OPT,LRU,自己的课程设计,代码较少,有待改进。
- Realize a simple compiler, which has limited instructions (32). Does the curriculum design of the time to use. 实现了一个简单的编译器;其中有有限的指令(32条).;做课程设计的时候要用的
- This is what we make of curriculum design, programming for college students to share. Can be simple text transfer protocol, transmit the document TXET. 这是我们做的课程设计,供编程方面的大学生共享。能进行简单的文字传输协议,传输的是TXET文档。
- I compiled language curriculum design, with a description and documentation procedures for the source code and executable programs! 是我汇编语言的课程设计,里面有文档说明和程序源代码以及可执行程序!
- This is a compilation of subject curriculum design, which contains five programs : library management system, character statistics. 这是汇编课程设计的题目;内含有五个程序:图书管理系统;字符统计等.
- Using assembly language to achieve similar under DOS typing games, the compilation of available learning, curriculum design. 用汇编语言实现的类似DOS下打字的游戏,可供学习汇编、课程设计参考。
- The curriculum design of the IB Diploma Program (IBDP) has been highly praised by the educational experts to be of the daffodil structure. IB文凭的课程设置被教育专家盛赞为具有水仙花型的结构。
- Mandarin Chinese has four tones. 汉语有四声。
- C language curriculum design Short cases have Snake games, calculators, Reversi game, their performance management systems. 语言课程设计案例精编有贪吃蛇游戏,计算器,黑白棋游戏,学生成绩管理系统等。