- It's not known who gunned that man down. 不知道是谁开枪打伤那个人的。
- He knocked the old man down on purpose. 他故意把那个老人撞倒。
- The captain piped the man down after boat drill. 航行训练后船长吹哨子解散了水手们。
- They handed the old man down to the ground floor. 他们搀扶老头下了楼。
- The experienced lawyer talked that man down. 这个经验丰富的律师将那个人驳得哑口无言。
- It is said that you can't keep a good man down. 据说,你无法阻止一个好人成功。
- The heavy load seemed to bear the old man down. 这重担似乎要把老人压垮了。
- She led the blind man down the stairs. 她领着那个盲人下楼梯。
- You won't be able to hold such a man down. 你是无法叫这样的人屈服的。
- The fall of the roof pinned the man down to the floor. 倒塌的屋顶把那个男人压在了地板上。
- A young man down on his luck might do anything to get money. 年轻人在走霉运的时候可能会不顾一切去搞钱。
- We shall have to stroke the old man down before we go out tonight. 我们今晚出去之前得劝说那位老人息怒。
- They knock the old man down and rob him of his watch. 他们把老人打倒在地并抢走了他的手表。
- She turned around and knocked the man down to the ground. 她转身把那个男的打倒在地。
- She decided she was going to take this man down a notch or two. 她下定决心要把这个男人的锐气打下去一截子。
- You can't hold a man down without staying down with him. 在诋毁别人的同时,你也贬低了自己。
- He's the man down there pitching the ball to the catcher. 就是那个在场上把球投给接球手的人。
- The enemy cavalry rode our men down. 敌人的骑兵撞倒了我们的人。
- Finally the man down under the stage, the stage nut is restorable. 最后舞台底下的人收起螺帽,舞台恢复原状。
- She expected to see someone would step forward to knock the big man down. 她指望有人能挺身而出痛揍这个大汉。