- Make us strong and healthy. 使我们强壮健康。
- He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart. 他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。
- S4: A glass of milk and an egg a day can help make us strong. 一天一杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋能助我们保持强健。
- Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy. 我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。
- People respectively choose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as their regular exercises in that exercises never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. 由于锻炼总是可以使我们身体强壮、精力充沛,所以人们分别选择慢跑、篮球、游泳、滑冰、登山、骑车等作为日常锻炼。
- Every cager on our team is very strong and healthy. 我们球队里的每个队员都很健壮。
- Outdoor exercise makes us strong in mind and body. 户外运动使我们心身强健。
- May our adversities make us strong. 愿逆境使我们坚强。
- Hope everyone be strong and healthy! 希望大家健康强壮!
- In person he was handsome, strong and healthy. 他面目清秀,体格强壮。
- Although my uncle is old,he looks very strong and healthy. 我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。
- Although he is old, yet he looks very strong and healthy. 虽然他老了,但是看上去还是很健壮。
- Make us strong to do your work, willing to hear and to heed your will, and write on our hearts these words: "Use power to help people." For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. 请让我们有力量去完成您的使命,聆听和领会您的意志,并将‘使用权力,服务于民'铭刻在心中,因为我们被赋予权力并非要达到自身目的,不是向世界炫耀,也不是获取虚名。
- Even though he is eighty,he looks strong and healthy. 即使他八十岁了,他仍然看上去很强壮和健康。
- Post-quake life: Love makes us strong. 震后生活:爱让我们更坚强。
- He has got strong and healthy gastrocnemius muscles. 他的腓肠肌结实而又健美。
- Wishing new burgeon would come up in the coming year.The reason why not be afraid of freezing ,sports make us strong ! 冬妈妈,撒雪花,盼望明年发绿芽,要问为啥不怕冻,身体壮来爱运动!
- When you grow strong and healthy, thank your stomach for digesting your food. 长得强壮健康的时候,感谢你的胃为你消化食物。
- We need enough good fortune to make us content, enough obstacles to make us strong, enough sorrows to keep us human, and enough hope to make us happy. 我们需要足够的好运让我们满足,足够的挫折让我们坚强,足够的哀痛让我们保持感性,足够的希望使我们快乐。
- Let us believe that God's Word is indeed full of a quickening power that will make us strong, gladly to expect and receive great things from God. 让我们相信,神的话充满了复苏的力量,这种力量能使我们变得坚强,并能欣然期盼和接受神的恩赐。