- Make changes to the scripts. 对脚本进行更改。
- Is there a need to make changes to the strategy in the near future? 在近期有无必要对这一战略进行修改?
- However, you can also make changes to the form design in this view. 然而,您还可以在此视图中对窗体设计进行更改。
- Markup tracking is off. You can make changes to the original document. 标记跟踪已禁用。您可以对原始文档进行更改。
- You can then make changes to the code and recompile it into a library file. 您这时可对代码进行更改并将其重新编译成库文件。
- In order to be a?ble to make changes to the auditing files you need to: 1. 为帮助我们改进内容,请提供以下反馈意见和附加评论。
- A screenwriter is to serve the director, so even if the screenwriter is not satisfied with some changes to the script, he still has to follow what the director says. 编剧其实是为导演工作。有时有些剧情自己不喜欢的也要跟导演所说的做。
- ScriptMain is the entry point to the script. ScriptMain是脚本的入口点。
- The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood. 剧本倒叙到老英雄的童年。
- Can be thought of as a shared workbench that is updated by team members as they make changes to the source code. 是一个共享的工作台,当团队成员对源代码进行更改时就更新这个工作台。
- To make changes to Offline Files, click OK. 要对脱机文件设置进行更改,单击“确定”。
- Bob can then give John permission to make changes to the document, as well as allow him to save the document. 晓明可以接着赋予晓强对文档进行更改的权限,以及允许他保存文档。
- You can't make changes to a read-only document. 您无法更改只读文档。
- If you are in a multi-lingual environment, you may need to make changes to the other codes. 如果您在多语言环境中,可能需要进行更改以使用其他代码。
- It require change to the setup menu as show below. 它需对安装菜单做修改,如下所示。
- You can't make changes to a read-only file. 您无法更改只读文件。
- If you follow the wizard's suggestions, you can still make changes to the table layout on the next page of the wizard. 如果遵循向导的建议,仍然可以在向导的下一页对表布局进行更改。
- If you make changes to the individual sounds in a sound scheme, you can save the changes by saving a new sound scheme. 如果对声音方案中的单个声音进行更改,则可以通过保存新的声音方案来保存更改。
- Now if others try to make changes to the file, they'll have to save it using a different file name. 现在,如果其他人尝试更改该文件,则他们必须使用不同的文件名保存它。
- MDIS reserves the right to make changes to the above terms and conditions as and when deemed necessary. 新加坡管理发展学院有权在认为必要时修改以上条款和制度。