- The purpose of imposing martial law is to maintain stability; only with stability can we carry on economic development. 目的就是要稳定,稳定才能搞建设。
- One of the primary responsibilities of a central bank is to maintain stability in the currency. 中央银行其中一项主要职责是维持货币稳定。
- The purpose of imposing martial law is to maintain stability, only with stability can we carry on economic development. 目的就是要稳定,稳定才能搞建设。
- The social order need only maintain stability through redundancy, through the maintenance of a clearly marked identity. 社会秩序由于滥竽充数,由于维持划分清楚的认同感,反而有助于维持。
- We hope that smooth and rapid development of the Chinese economy can contribute to promoting world economic growth and maintaining stability of the global financial market. 我们希望通过保持自身经济平稳较快发展,为促进世界经济增长和维护国际金融市场稳定做出自己的贡献。
- For now, President Hu and Mr Wen appear far more concerned with maintaining stability than with the long-term challenge of moving to a more pluralist system. 现在对胡主席和温总理而言,他们更加关心如何保持稳定,而不是向一个更加多元化的制度转变这个长期挑战。
- In wine Using GOX maintain stability, balance, and also he used to brewing low alcohol wine. 保持葡萄酒的稳定性、平衡性。还可以用来酿制低醇葡萄酒。
- In wine Using GOX maintain stability,balance,and also be used to brewing low alcohol wine. 保持葡萄酒的稳定性、平衡性。还可以用来酿制低醇葡萄酒。
- Sodium citrate is used to enhance flavor and maintain stability of active ingredients in food and beverage. 柠檬酸钠是用于提高风味,保持食品和饮料活性成分的稳定性。
- Our purpose is to maintain stability in an unstable world. Kill one, save a thousand. 我们的目的是在这动荡的世界生存下来,除掉一个,保住成千上万。
- Designed to supplement reserves of gold and convertible currencies used to maintain stability in the foreign exchange market. 补充的储备金币或可兑换货币以维持外汇交易市场的稳定性。
- Fifth,both mainland China and Hong Kong will maintain stability in the RMB and Hong Kong Dollar as the anchors of currency stability in Asia. 第五,中国内地和香港都会尽力保持人民币和港元稳定,这是稳定亚洲货币币值的支柱。
- Fifth,both mainland China and Hong Kong will maintain stability in the Renminbi and Hong Kong Dollar as the anchors of currency stability in Asia. 第五,中国内地和香港都会尽力保持人民币和港元稳定,这是稳定亚洲货币币值的支柱。
- They know that our currency is firmly anchored by a sensible mechanism and that we can act,and do act decisively to maintain stability. 知道我们的货币是建基于一个切合实际需要的机制,也知道我们能够在有需要时采取果断行动,维持货币稳定。
- We should make development a primary task, seize opportunities, deepen reform, expand opening, promote development and maintain stability. 我们要把发展作为第一要务,抓住机遇,深化改革、扩大开放、促进发展,保持稳定。
- It is the common aspiration of all the people in the world to maintain stability, seek development and promote cooperation. 求稳定、谋发展、促合作,是当今各国人民的共同愿望。
- They know that our currency is firmly anchored by a sensible mechanism and that we can act, and do act decisively to maintain stability. 知道我们的货币是建基於一个切合实际需要的机制,也知道我们能够在有需要时采取果断行动,维持货币稳定。
- Finally some measures to maintain stability of middle wall are given, with a conclusion that the prop method is the best among all measures. 最后,提出了保持中隔墙稳定的若干措施,并认为保持中隔墙稳定的最佳方法是支撑法。
- The development of economy mainly hinges on social stability. Therefore, the overwhelming issue at present is to maintain stability. 经济的发展更多地依赖于社会的稳定。因此,当前压倒一切的问题是保持稳定。
- They were equipped with watertight compartments and sharp, pointed hulls with a keel at the bottom to maintain stability. 其船体瘦长,船身底下的龙骨能保持船的平稳。