- Maintain monetary stability 保持货币稳定
- The HKMA will continue to strengthen central banking co-operation to explore ways and means to maintain domestic as well as regional monetary stability. 金融管理局将继续致力加强中央银行之间的合作,以探讨维持本地及区内货币稳定的方案。
- Monetary stability in an export economy requires heroic measures. 在一个出口类型的经济中,稳定货币就需要有孤注一掷的措施。
- Dr Fischer added that the linked exchange rate system in Hong Kong had succeeded well in bringing monetary stability. 博士又表示,联系汇率制度成功为香港带来货币稳定。
- Fourth,our country enjoys political and monetary stability,and our market has a huge potential,and it is still a fairly attractive investment site. 四是我国政治稳定、货币稳定、市场潜力大,仍是一个较理想的投资场所。
- Members were of the view that this measure should further help guide the economy to a soft landing, which would be conducive to monetary stability in Hong Kong. 日上调基准利率。委员会成员认为这项措施有助进一步引导经济软著陆,有利香港的货币稳定。
- The management of the associated risks to monetary stability cannot be anything else but a credible strategy to return the fundamentals to a position of undoubted strength. 要管理影响货币稳定的相关风险,唯一的有效方法是施行具公信力的策略,使经济基本因素回复稳健。
- In general, the latest data indicated continued improvements in both the domestic and external environments, which were helpful to Hong Kongs economic recovery and conducive to monetary stability. 整体而言,最新的数据显示本地及外围环境持续改善,对香港的经济复苏及货币稳定均有帮助。
- The fall in consumer prices and incomes has led to significant deterioration in the public finances, with possible implications for confidence in the currency and monetary stability. 消费价格下跌及收入减少,也令公共财政显著恶化,最终可能影响外界对港元及货币稳定的信心。
- The HKMC has profound significance as it will entail considerable benefits to Hong Kong in terms of promoting banking and monetary stability, debt market development and home ownership. 按揭证券公司将会促进银行和货币稳定,推动债务市场发展,以及协助市民置业,对香港裨益良多,意义重大。
- This programme follows Europe's search for monetary stability: the EMS, the role of the French-German cooperation and the German integration, which leaves its marks throughout the whole of Europe. 探讨欧洲金融体制的稳定性,包括:欧洲货币体系,法、德两国合作所担当的角色与德国统一对整个欧洲带来的影响。原版英文发音。
- Overnight interest rates stabilized at single digits within two days. Monetary stability was maintained despite the fiercest speculative attack in recent history. 两日内,隔夜息率回复至单位数字水平。香港的货币保持稳定,纵然面对这场有史以来最激烈的炒卖冲击亦未受动摇。
- We must maintain a firm attitude. 我们必须采取坚定的态度。
- Hong Kong's monetary policy objective is to maintain currency stability. 香港的货币政策目标是维持货币稳定。
- He is too poor to maintain his family. 他太穷了,无法养活家人。
- A substance believed to maintain life indefinitely. 长生不老药被认为可以使生命无限的物质
- To ensure sufficient liquidity for maintaining monetary and financial stability 确保有足够的流动资金,以维持货币及金融稳定
- The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound. 英国的货币单位是镑。
- The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices. 政府已经采取了措施以确保物价稳定。
- The plan is merely designed to maintain their nuclear superiority. 制定这个计划只是为了保持他们的核优势。