- MCI Communications Corp.n. 美国微波通讯公司
- Jonathan B. Sallet, Chief Policy Counsel, MCI Communications Corporation. 乔纳森·萨莱,MCI通信公司首席政策顾问。
- Working as a telemarketer for MCI Communications, I made a call to a Minnesota home one evening. 作为MCI通讯公司电话营销员,一天晚上,我打了一个电话给明尼苏达州的一个家庭。
- Telecommunications companies MCI Communications and WorldCom complete their $37 billion merger to form MCI WorldCom. 1998年的今天,美国电信公司“微波通信”和“世界通讯”完成一项高达370亿美元的合并,组成了新的“微波世界通讯”公司。
- Berners-Lee created the first browser, a type of program that would later be refined by Netscape Communications Corp. 后来,使用者可以使用电脑制造商出售的终端,通过一个特殊系统与机器进行互动;
- April 4, Netscape Communications Corp which will go on to create the Navigator version of a browser, is founded. 4月4日,Netscape通信公司成立,将继续从事因特网浏览器Nevigator版本的研究。
- The Insight of "China Electric Power Communication Corp. "中国电通"进军电信业透视。
- Vigorous competition was coming from such rivals as MCI Communications and U.S. Sprint Communications, neither of which had existed two decades earlier. 它遇到了激烈的竞争,像美国微波通讯公司和美国短途通讯公司都是它的竞争对手,但在20年前这两家公司均不存在。
- So Mr.Berners-Lee created the first browser, a type of program that would later be refined by Netscape Communications Corp. 使用者打开机器,插入一张穿孔卡片或按下某些按键,然后等待机器给出一个答案。
- Adelphia Communications Corp. 的可行性。
- Involved in the project of Business Operation Support System Solution for China Net Communication Corp (CNC), in charge of system analysis and design. 参与了中国网络通信公司的商务运作支持系统解决方案项目,负责系统分析与设计。
- Chicken feathers being bulky and uneconomical, the Communications Corps decided to print Communications stamps so that civilians might also mail letters. 用鸡毛既不方便也不经济,于是通讯大队决定印制邮票,这样老百姓也可以寄信了。
- The communications corps,responsible for military communications,is composed of specialized units engaged in communications,communications engineering,communications technical support,aviation navigation and military postal service. 通信兵担负军事通信任务,由通信、通信工程、通信技术保障、航空兵导航和军邮勤务等专业部(分)队组成。
- The communications corps, responsible for military communications, is composed of specialized units engaged in communications, communications engineering, communications technical support, aviation navigation and military postal service. 通信兵担负军事通信任务,由通信、通信工程、通信技术保障、航空兵导航和军邮勤务等专业部(分)队组成。
- Receive status reports from the district Rotary Community Corps committee, which is responsible for the RCC program. 要求负责扶轮社区服务团计划的地区扶轮社区服务团委员会缴交活动报告。
- I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通银行存款。
- MCI ain'tgot no crime to be an MC. 我没有犯罪记录来成为一。
- The Rotary Community Corps (RCC) program promotes self-reliance among community groups and encourages participants to identify and address community needs. 扶轮社区服务团计划(RCC)于社区团体中推广自我信赖,并鼓励参与寻找及提出社区需求。
- Cerf, now at MCI Inc., said he wished he could have designed the Internet with security built-in.Microsoft Corp. 现属美国MCI电信公司旗下的瑟夫说,他希望他能设计带有内置安全系统的因特网。
- Data communications; data updates. 数据通讯; 数据更新