- Lyric of Xizhou 西洲曲
- I'm deeply moved by this lyric of Shelley's. 我被雪莱的这首抒情诗深深打动了。
- The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience. 莎士比亚的抒情诗激发了听众的想像力。
- Please read the lyrics of the song. 请朗读歌词。
- And here is the lyrics of the song. 这里是它的歌词。
- Sexuality is the lyricism of the masses . 性爱是大众的抒情诗.
- I love both the melodies and lyrics of his songs. 在此,他唱的情歌真的是触动了我的心弦,
- At the end of Xizhou Dynasty, the theocracy thoery in Zhou is on the edge of collapse. 西周末期是周人的神权理论渐趋崩溃阶段;
- Turfan was the city of “Xizhou” in the Tang Dynasty;it governed the districts of Gaochang, Tiandi, Tianshan, Liuzhong. 吐鲁番是唐朝的西州,下辖高昌、田地、天山、柳中等县。
- It like the mirror, shows the real society of Zhou Dynasty about hundreds of years from the beginning of XiZhou, Period to the middle of Spring and Autumn Period. 它真实地反映了从西周初期至春秋中叶几百年的周代社会现实,是当时社会的一面镜子。
- Poem lyrics of Before The World Was Made by William Butler Yeats. 抒情诗:巴特勒-叶芝的“世界被创造之前”
- I would like to quote the lyrics of "The Minstrel Boy" again. 妈妈从上海买来了一些很精致的手工艺品,令人爱不释手。
- Kabuki'.Fatalism is deeply imbeded in the lyrics of Faylu. 而宿命论也深深地体现在了菲路的歌词之中。
- A medieval Italian or Proven?l lyric of varying stanzaic form,usually with a concluding envoy. 坎佐尼中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗
- A medieval Italian or Provencal lyric of varying stanzaic form, usually with a concluding envoy. 坎佐尼中世纪意大利或法国普罗旺斯的抒情诗,诗节形式不一,通常在结尾有一个献诗
- His earlier work announced a lyric talent of the first order. 他的早期作品显露了一流的抒情才华。
- In the management of prisoners of Xizhou, the system of imprisonment, detention and Criminal detention are formed, and unfold the prison management pattern of oriental ancient state. 在西周监狱管理中 ,形成了囚系制、圜土制和嘉石制等三大制度 ,展现了一个东方文明古国狱制的标本。
- This is a good example of Shelley's lyric poetry. 这首诗是雪莱抒情诗的范例。
- It is being accepted that the lyric of modern songs is having closer connection with classical poetry sung by people for thousands of years. 纵观当今流行歌坛,国人传诵百年、千年的古典诗词和歌词结缘的趋势,正在被听众所接受。
- The anthology reveals a prejudice in favour of lyric poets. 这部选集显示出对抒情诗人有所偏爱。