- Lye Lin Heng 黎莲卿
- Heng Feng Mei Lin Investment Management Co., Ltd. 北京恒丰美林投资管理顾问有限公司。
- Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- Hearing this, he instinctively thought of Xiao Lin. 听到这话,他本能地想起了小林。
- Mr. Lin will wash his motorcycle tomorrow morning. 林先生明天早晨将擦洗他的摩托车。
- I suppose Mr Lin will pair off with Miss Wang in the end. 我料想到头来林先生总会和王小姐结成夫妇。
- Wood ashes are leached to extract lye. 木炭被滤过以提取碱液。
- See because there are two kinds of lye. 我们都知道碱液分两种。
- Retrofit of axial seal of lye recycle pumps. 碱液循环泵轴封改造
- How did Mrs. Lin look at Mr. Lin? She looked at Mr. Lin coldly. 林太太怎样注视林先生? 她冷漠地注视林先生。
- See, because there are two kinds of lye. 这就是那些碱液的用处对不对?
- Shanxi Yi Tai Heng Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd. 山西颐泰恒精细化学有限公司
- The lye will eat through the metal. 碱液可能会把金属腐蚀透。
- Zhang Heng is a man of ancient time. 张衡是古代的人。
- Be very careful, lye .Lye can cause serious burns. 要非常小心,碱液可造成严重的烧伤。
- Mr. Lin advertises in order to sell the goods. 林先生为了出售货物而登广告。
- Zibo Heng Lai Dairy Industry CO., LTD. 淄博恒来乳业有限公司。
- From one world. Forever we are Lye family. 我和你们,心连心,永远一家人。
- Zibo Heng Yun Steel Structure CO., LTD. 淄博可善工贸有限公司淄博恒运钢结构有限公司。