- Luzon Strait ing 吕宋海峡水交换
- Hazy and hot weather is expected three days later as JANGMI nears Luzon Strait. 随著蔷薇逐渐靠近吕宋海峡,预料本港三天后将会有烟霞,天气会变得炎热。
- During the winter, the Kuroshio oceanic current brings warm water of high salinity from the Pacific through the Luzon Strait. 冬季期间,黑潮海流把高咸度的温暖海水由太平洋经吕宋海峡带入本港。
- As showed in the wavelet power spectrum figures,ENSO influences the Luzon Strait transports at different layers. 吕宋海峡年际体积(热量)输送的小波谱图较明显地反映出ENSO现象对吕宋海峡不同层次的输送均产生一定影响。
- The intense of internal tide in the Luzon Strait is due to topographic features and the characteristic of M2 tide. 吕宋海峡M_2内潮响应强烈是由于其地形和M_2潮波的特征所决定的;
- MOLAVE is seen to move NW in the past 6 hours, tracking to the northern part of the Luzon Strait. 莫拉菲于过去6小时继续向西北移动,现在于吕宋海峡北部。
- During the winter,the Kuroshio oceanic current brings warm water of high salinity from the Pacific through the Luzon Strait. 冬季期间,黑潮海流把高咸度的温暖海水由太平洋经吕宋海峡带入本港。
- The energetic internal tides are generated in the Luzon Strait, the southwest and northeast of the Taiwan Island and the Dongsha Islands. 内潮数值同化结果显示在吕宋海峡、台湾岛西南和东北及东沙等海域内潮响应显著。
- The above results mean that the Kuroshio intrudes northwestward at the 200 and 500 m levels of moored station through the Luzon Strait in SCS. 这些都表明黑潮在吕宋海峡锚碇测流站200和500m处向西北方向入侵南海.
- An area of disturbance was found to the east of Philippines on July 7th, which moved steadily west-northwestwards towards the Luzon Strait. 热带扰动99w于7月7日于菲律宾以东形成,并稳定向西北偏西移动,靠近吕宋海峡。
- I.Lin, M.A.Lee and J.Chang, 2007, Effects of cold eddy on phytoplankton production and assemblages in Luzon Strait bordering the South China Sea. 以边缘侦测法观测台湾北部海域冬季表面水温锋面,海洋及水下科技季刊,第15卷,第2期,第8-14页。
- PARMA is now situated in the Luzon Strait at minimal typhoon intensity. At 14 HKT, PARMA was centred about 680 km (370 NM) ESE of Hong Kong. 芭玛现时于吕宋海峡,并减弱至差不多台风强度下限。在14HKT,芭玛集结在香港东南偏东约680公里(370海里)。
- The intrusion of Kuroshio water from the Luzon Strait into the northern South China Sea is the possible source of water mass for this phenomenon. 此一南向流应是与黑潮入侵水在台湾西南海域形成顺时针旋转的反气旋式涡流有关。
- As HAGUPIT further intensifies and edges closer to the Luzon Strait, very hot and hazy weather is expected on Monday and Tuesday. 随著黑格比增强并移近吕宋海峡,其下沉气流将于星期一及二为香港带来酷热和有烟霞的天气。
- Moving west-northwestwards, it intensified into a tropical storm the next day. Sanvu skirted the northeastern tip of Luzon and then traversed the Luzon Strait. 它向西北偏西移动,在翌日增强为一热带风暴,珊瑚掠过吕宋东北端后横越吕宋海峡。
- Reports, observationsand researches up-to-date of internal waves in the South China Sea are mainlyfocusing on those distributing from the Luzon Strait to the Dongsha Islands. 目前关于南海内波的报道、观测和研究主要集中在Luzon海峡到南海东北部东沙群岛附近海域。
- Geographically, the South China Sea is connected with the Pacific Ocean through the Luzon Strait to its east, and it reaches the Indian Ocean through the Malacca Strait. 南海北部通过吕宋海峡与太平洋联通,南部通过马六甲海峡与印度洋联通。
- So far, most the research suggest that the source of NLIW is in the Luzon Strait, but, there is definitive conclusion on the exact location of the source regions. 目前,大多数研究的结果皆显示南海北部非线性内波起源于南海东缘的吕宋海峡区域,但是没有明确的结论。
- In the southeast of the South China Sea, there maybe existed the water from the Sulu Sea, and its temperature and salinity characteristics were similar to that of the Kuroshio water near the Luzon Strait. 在南海东南部可能有来自苏禄海的海水 ,其温、盐度特征类似于吕宋海峡中的黑潮水
- In the course of LINFA's initial erratic movement, most agencies changed their track forecast to align with the JTWC's initial forecast (i.e. to put the storm towards the Luzon Strait). 于莲花移动缓慢且方向不定之时,大部分官方预测开始偏向JTWC第一布所作的预期路径,即偏向认为莲花会移向吕宋海峡或台湾南部。