- Lushi Chunqiu 吕氏春秋
- LU Lan-quality voice congenital general, but use of audible Lushi, to take the lead in the vocal world Haizhen happy. 卢兰青先天嗓音素质一般,但运用卢氏发声法,使其率先在声乐方面问鼎世界吉尼斯之最。
- Objective To explore the protective effect of Lushi misture on hypoxic-ischemic brain damage neonatal rats. 目的探讨鹿石合剂对缺氧缺血脑损伤新生大鼠保护作用的机制。
- Confucius: lived in the period of telophase Chunqiu,is the great thinker, educator and politician in our country. 孔子:春秋末期鲁国人,我国伟大的思想家,教育家,政治家。
- Lastly, Chunqiu historiographers had simple discriminated thoughts well as humanism thought. 最后,春秋史官具有朴素的辩证思想、人本主义思想。
- ChunQiu expresses the feeling of “grand”, “romantic”, and traditional pentatonic music. “大气”、“浪漫主义”和五声音阶的、传统的音乐在春秋乐队的音符中得到充分体现。
- Conclusion Lushi misture can improve the ultrastructure of hippocampus CA1 area neurons of hypoxic-ischemic brain-damage rats. 结论鹿石合剂可改善缺氧缺血脑损伤大鼠海马CA1区神经元超微结构的变化。
- The CHUNQIU period, was witnessed in the history of China from first year of LUYINGONG (722, BC) to the fourteenth year of LUAIGONG (481, BC). 历史上的春秋时代,始于鲁隐公元年(公元前722),终于鲁哀公十四年(公元前481年)。
- ABSTRACT: Objective To explore the protective effect of Lushi misture on ultrastructure of hippocampus CA1 area neurons in hypoxic-ischemic brain-damage neonatal rats. 目的探讨中药鹿石合剂对缺氧缺血脑损伤新生大鼠海马CA1区神经元超微结构的影响。
- During the Chunqiu Zhanguo period,it was used as a preposition "Yu" and then became a personal pronoun and a conjunction. 在春秋战国时期,又假借为介词(于/於),并发展为人称代词、承接连词。
- Dong Zhong-shu chiefly employed the method of analogy to systematize and theorize the Confucian theory of man is an integral part of nature in "Chunqiu Fanlu". 摘要汉儒董仲舒在《春秋繁露》中,主要运用了类比论证的方式将儒家“天人合一”思想系统化、理论化。
- More recently, Du came under pressure to resign as director of the reformist magazine Yanhuang Chunqiu after it published a favorable article about Zhao Ziyang. 不久前,改革派杂志炎黄春秋发表了一篇肯定赵紫阳的文章后,杜导正受到压力,要他辞去杂志社社长的职务。
- The theory sprouted in the period of Yin and Shang dynastyies, formed in the period of Chunqiu and Zhanguo , developed in the period of Dong Han and Xi Han dynasties. 中国古代的环境伦理思想萌芽于殷商时期,形成于春秋战国时期,两汉时期得到进一步发展。
- The RER was abundant in high-dose group of Lushi misture, the cell organ's structure approached to sham operated group, and the Nissl's body became clumped or granulo-form, and dyeing was thick. 鹿石合剂高剂量组粗面内质网丰富,细胞器结构接近假手术组,尼氏小体呈块状或颗粒状,染色比假手术组浓密。
- This article expounds the aesthetics in ancient China and from the 21st century to the early period of Chunqiu, and inquires into the relationship between aesthetics and dress in this period. 本文着重阐述远古和公元前21世纪至春秋前期的美学,并深入探讨了这一阶段的美学与服饰的联系。
- A famous town in China--Lushi Town 中国名镇--鲁史镇
- Eight - line classic Chinese poems (lushi) 律诗
- Change of Land Ownership in Chunqiu and Warring States Period 论春秋战国时期土地所有制关系的变化
- Open Mind and Social Progress in the Period of Chunqiu Zhanguo 春秋战国时期思想解放与社会进步