- Observation of blood lupus cell morphology and its clinical significance 血液狼疮细胞形态学变化的观察与临床价值
- Human tissue is made up of cells. 人体的组织是由细胞构成的。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- Lupus cells 狼疮细胞
- Animal bodies are made up of cells. 动物的身体是由细胞组成的
- Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs. 即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。
- Lupus, however, is at an extreme. 然而,狼疮却是其中的极端。
- A small mass of tissue or aggregation of cells. 结组织的小结块或细胞的聚集
- Lipid peroxidation in systemic lupus erythematosus. 系统性红斑狼疮中的脂质过氧化作用。
- Is lupus erythematosus hematic cancer? 红斑狼疮是血癌吗?
- lupus cell 狼疮细胞
- Infection can cause a lupus flare. 感染可导致狼疮复发。
- Lupus agno dixit: cur turbas aquam meam? 翻译 - 拉丁语-巴西葡萄牙语 - 1.
- The prisoners shuffled along the corridor and into their cells. 囚犯们沿着走廊拖着脚步进入牢房。
- The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
- The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body. 癌细胞可能侵袭身体的其他部分。
- Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter. 人脑每立方公分有一亿多个细胞。
- You must connect up the cells before you can get any current. 你应该先把电池连接起来,才会有电流。
- The real mystery about lupus is what precedes such events. 狼疮真正神秘之处,隐藏在病发之前。
- The fragmented remains of dead or damaged cells or tissue. 死细胞细胞组织死了或被破坏后留下的残骸