- Lunch is almost ready. 午饭快准备好了。
- One table over there is almost ready. 那边的一张桌子马上就要准备好了。
- You please set the table, Tom? The food is almost ready. 汤姆,饭要煮好了,把餐具摆到桌上好吗?
- Would you care to wait? A table over there is almost ready. 请您等一会好吗?那儿有张桌子差不多准备好了。
- Markal is almost ready to recreate the Vampire's Garment. 制作吸血鬼披风的任务现已万事俱备,只欠东风。
- The clothing factory is almost ready to launch its new style on the market. 这个服装厂即将向市场推出新款式。
- The tailor said your dress is almost ready, he just needs to machine the hem. 裁缝说您的礼服已经差不多做好了,只需再用缝纫机缝个边即可。
- Dinner is almost ready. 晚餐准备得差不多了。
- Lunch is practically ready,so come to the table. 午饭差不多做好了,请入座吧。
- Owen is almost ready to make a comeback and so it's not unlikely that we will finally see him back in action on Tuesday against Bochum. 欧文也做好了回归的准备,所以下周二对阵波鸿我们有希望最终看到他的回归。
- Annie: I'm not sorry the baby is asleep. Will you excuse me for a minute? I think the food is almost ready. 我倒庆幸孩子睡着了,对不起,我离开一会儿,我想饭差不多要好了。
- Centennial Park of Masland Methodist Church, at Sibu Island road, is almost ready. 诗巫爱莲街福源堂百周年纪念园接近完成.
- Washington is almost ready for a weekend packed with events, leading up to the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. 华盛顿几乎已经在周末为迎接选出的新一任总统巴拉克.;奥巴马的就职典礼做好了准备。
- The chimney is almost choked up with soot. 烟囱几乎被烟垢堵住了。
- Lunch is from eleven to two [at twelve]. 中饭11点到2点开[是12点]。
- My visa is almost ready even though I only just received the notification about the initiation. Very soon, I also got my airline ticket and visa through the travel agency. 接到通知的时候,我到那个城市的签证都快拿到了。不久,我也透过旅行社顺利拿到签证和机票。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- Lunch is provided at cost in the cafeteria. 在自助餐厅有非营利性午餐供应。
- Lunch is his main meal of the day. 午饭是他的正餐。
- That buzzer again: lunch is over. 又是一阵汽笛声,午餐结束了。