- Lu Yi is a very handsome film star. 陆毅是一个非常英俊的电影明星。
- For example, Lu Yi was the handsome friends as "the best space-age gladiator in the history of underground". 比如,帅气的陆毅被网友冠以“史上最帅的地下党”称号。
- He’ll meet India’s Arvind Bhat for his first course before a probable clash with his young compatriot Lu Yi. 当然,这段实习期时间宜短不宜长,否则中国男双有可能再度陷于低谷,因为蔡付两人毕竟已是奔三年龄。
- However, Lu Yi Wang Yimin play like the Japanese Communist Party's struggle to do? 然而,陆毅扮演的王一民像不像对日斗争中的共产党呢?
- In Shanghai, you had Rightists like Wang Tsao-shih, Lu Yi, Chen Jen-ping and Peng Wen-ying and also Wu Yin making trouble. 在你们上海,就是什么王造时,陆治,陈仁炳,彭文应,还有一个吴茵,这么一些右派人物出来捣乱。
- But how does mom still see him as a beautiful man? ‘Like Lu Yi, or Takura Kimura, they're nowhere near as goodlooking as him. 可我妈怎么看他都还是一美男,什么陆毅啊木村拓哉啊,都没他好看。
- According to Kim, executive vice president of Gillette study Lu Yi Chen, many universities have been or are preparing to set up offices in China. 据金吉列留学执行副总裁陈璐怡介绍,很多大学已经或准备在中国设立办事处。
- Finally men's singles Lu Yi, women's single Wang Yihan has lost to host great soldier Gaede and Rasmussen separately, the first run bitter experience elimination. 结果男单吕轶、女单王仪涵分别败给了东道主名将盖德和拉斯姆森,首轮遭遇淘汰。
- The schedule was very tight at that trip.We hovered over Guangzhou only for one afternoon and a night.We stayed at the Borges Bookstore, dinning with reticent Chen Lu and Lu Yi. 那是一次时间紧张的旅行,在广州只逗留一个下午和晚上,去了博尔赫斯书店,和语言稀少的陈侗和鲁毅吃晚饭。
- Lu Yi, currently working at Handsome Translation Services, was a veteran translator with HSBC, KPMG and the Reuter's new agency and other professional firms. 陆毅曾长期担任汇丰银行、毕马威会计师事务所和路透社等机构的资深翻译。
- Anand beat the best Chinese shuttler left in the draw, Chen Yu, while Lu Yi, also from China, bowed to Japan’s Sasaki.The Japanese will take on Thai wonder Ponsana. 在今天的比赛中,周蜜就是通过连续压卢兰底线两角伺机放网,卢兰在网前频频失误,后场的拉吊也是失误频频,完全被周蜜控制住了场上的节奏。
- Should they follow the counter-revolutionary line of Chang Po-chun, Lo Lung-chi, Chang Nai-chi, Chen Jen-ping, Peng Wen-ying, Lu Yi and Sun Ta-yu, or should they follow another line? 是走章伯钧、罗隆基、章乃器、陈仁炳、彭文应、陆治、孙大雨那种反革命路线,还是走什么路线?
- AMD general deficit advocate because be attributed to 2006 of dominant of Lu Yi wisdom buy. 5.4 billion dollar buys ATI of graphical chip tycoon to make debenture table high build. AMD将亏损主因归于2006年鲁毅智主导的并购。54亿美元购图形芯片巨头ATI令公司债台高筑。
- Leng Lu Yi Hua (Deserted House Medical Talks) 冷庐医话
- LI Sheng CHEN Xin-ji GAO Shan LU Yi YE Feng YANGShi-hua 陈歆技叶锋
- Comrade Lu stands forth as a model worker. 陆同志表现突出,是一个劳动模范。
- They issued a new edition of Lu Xun's works. 他们发行了鲁迅著作的一个新版本。
- Case of Qinghua Tongfang Assimilating and Incorporating Lu Yi Electronics Corp. At the Basis of Stocks 清华同方以股票收购方式吸收合并鲁颖电子案例
- Story: A mermaid, Yi, came to a city to live. 故事:讲述一人鱼,仪,来到城市生活的故事。
- She put up a portrait of Lu Xun on the wall. 她在墙上挂了一张鲁迅的像。