- Lu Xun and Lu Yao are my favorite authors. 我最喜欢鲁迅和路遥。
- Lu Xun and his troops came, shouting that they would seize Liu Bei. 接着,陆逊率领吴国军队冲了过来,大喊着要抓住刘备。
- Writers such as Lu Xun and Ba Jin are well-known to all. 象鲁迅、巴金这样的作家是众所周知的。
- Lu Xun and Wu Zu-xiang 鲁迅与吴组缃
- Embarks from the sociological angle discusses Lu Xun and Wu Zuxiang's novel,We may discover Lu Xun stresses to initiates the artistic thought goal to the antifeudal thought revolution; 从社会学的角度出发探讨鲁迅和吴组缃的小说创作,可以发现鲁迅侧重于把艺术思维的目的导向倡导反封建的思想革命;
- Beibei suddenly went quiet as she saw hanging in the dark room a picture taken for Xun at Danshui when Xun and Wu first me. 贝贝忽然住了嘴,因为她看见暗房中挂着伍与熏初次见面时,在淡水替熏拍的照片。
- Lu Xun and Anderson create the same provincial literary themes and grotesque character images. 鲁迅和安德森创造了相同的乡土文学主题和相似的畸人形象。
- Humanitarianism is the key to understand the profound thinking of the two "Cultural Devils", Lu Xun and Leo Tolstoy. 人道主义是打开鲁迅与托尔斯泰两位“文化恶魔”深邃思想迷宫的一把钥匙。
- Abstract Lu Xun and Guliyagawa coincidently reached an agreement in terms of thinking. 摘要 鲁迅与厨川白村是在一种不谋而合中达成了思想上的共识。
- Both Lu Xun and Sherwood Anderson have been deeply influenced by modernist philosophers and thinkers such as F. 二人均深受到现代主义哲学家和思想家的影响,如尼采、达尔文、弗罗伊德、帕格森等。
- It is from this angle that there is the comparability between Lu Xun and Sherwood Anderson. 正是在这点上,鲁迅才与安德森有了可比之处。
- A-Q and the nephew are destroyed by the society, through whom Lu Xun and Diderot show deep animadversion to the society individually. 阿Q和侄儿只不过是被黑暗的社会吞噬了的小人物,在这两个悲剧人物身上,鲁迅和狄德罗分别寄托了对各自所处社会的深刻批判。
- As two humourous masters in Chinese modern literature,Lu Xun and Lin Yutang have done much to humorous literature creation and study. 鲁迅与林语堂作为现代文学史上的两位幽默大师,对幽默文学的创作和研究都做出了巨大的贡献。
- Lu Xun and Yu Dafu are both writers on China"s modern novel source ,they have a far-reaching impact on development of Modern Chinese Literature. 鲁迅和郁达夫都是立于中国现代小说源头上的作家,并对中国现代文学的发展产生了深远的影响。
- After discussing three issues about Lu Xun and Chinese modern drama, this paper puts forward its viewpoints and position. 摘要本文就鲁迅与话剧的三个问题进行了论述,提出了自己的看法,澄清了认识。
- The two different ways are the most important means of modern Chinese social reformation, and they also reflect the different life attitude and choice of LU Xun and GU Mo-ruo. 这两种方式体现了鲁迅与郭沫若不同的主体态度和人生选择,也显现了他们在救世思想上的分歧和不同。
- We explore the illogicality between Lu Xun and Lin Yutang, trying to abandon the unitary standard which is political ideology, and return to aesthetics and harmony. 今天重提鲁迅与林语堂学案,力图放弃文学史写作中的一元政治意识形态标准,使文学研究的标准回到审美,回到和谐。
- Lu Xun and Nietzsche, whose starting point of life aesthetics was the sense of going to doom, had much in agreements and also in conflicts on the idea of tragedy. 鲁迅尼采的悲剧观存在着深刻的契合与冲突,他们生命美学的起点是生存毁灭感,并在苦痛人生的悲歌中,共同表现出对生命之“动”的强烈眷注。
- Ba Jin confessions through awareness with Lu Xun and Tolstoy"s sense of remorse to look at Ba Jin awareness of the Philosophy of the superiority and limitations. 通过巴金的忏悔意识分别与鲁迅和托尔斯泰的忏悔意识的比较来审视巴金忏悔意识在哲学方面的优越性和局限性。
- Lu Xun and the forerunners called for individual freedom and liberation from sense of evolution and era demand and LuLing tries to look for agent from original instinct of life. 鲁迅等先驱们从进化和时代要求的意义上呼唤个性的自由、解放,路翎则试图从生命的原始本能上寻找动因,这就是渗透在路翎作品中的那种独特的原始强力精神。