- Loyang of Northern Wei 洛阳(北魏)
- CUT Hao's thoughts of leadership was characterized by time which greatly influenced the feudalization of Northern Wei Dynasty. 崔浩的治国思想具有鲜明的时代性,对以后的北魏封建化有重要的影响。
- A group of people inspired by heaven created Beiliang with its charm of peace and doleful sentiments, which influenced art style of Northern Wei. 一群被来自上天声音赋予灵感的人,创造出了北凉静之境界和悲凉的情怀,影响着北魏的艺术风格。
- And the policy of Northern Wei was error, generals were very cruel, finally it caused a big revolution and immigrate which directly caused the Northern Wei's perdition. 再加上北魏政权救济应对的不力和镇将的贪婪残暴,终于引发了大起义和随后的南迁,直接导致了北魏的灭亡。
- On the Restoration of the Pagoda of the Yongning Temple in the City of Luoyang of the Northern Wei Dynasty 北魏洛阳永宁寺塔复原探讨
- The discovery of the tablet Ode to the Emperor’s inspection tour of the South has offered nevv historical material for the research work in the field of ancieiit history of China,es-pecially history of Northern Wei Dynasty and national minorities. 北魏《皇帝南巡之颂》碑的出土,为中国古代史特别是北魏史和民族史的研究,提供了新的史料;
- General Accounting on Issue of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern WEI Dynasty to Move Capital to Luoyang 北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳问题研究综述
- words in Inscriptions of Northern Wei Dynasty 北魏墓志词语
- Buddhist Grottoes of Northern Wei Dynasty 北魏石窟
- the legal system of Northern Wei Dynasty 北魏法制
- The people of northern Canada are called Inuit. 加拿大北部的人称为因纽特人。
- A Study of Northern Wei Copper Statues of Buddha Unearthed in Xi'an 西安出土北魏铜佛造像研究
- In recent years, there are some new materials about Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang. 近年来,洛阳出土北魏墓志又出现了一些新的材料。
- A spectacular display of northern lights. 壮观的北极光。
- A town of northern France southeast of Paris. 枫丹白露法国北部一个小城,位于巴黎东南部。
- The reason for Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern WEI Dynasty to move the capital to Luoyang was because of the culture advantage of Luoyang. 摘要北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳的根本原因是为了其更具文化优势。
- His horse went into the land of northern people. 塞翁养的马跑进了北边民族的地盘。
- Patna, capital of northern Indian state Bihar. 巴特那,印度北部比哈尔邦的首府。
- What are the territories of northern Canada? 加拿大北方有那些特区?
- Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. 贝尔法斯特是北爱尔兰的首府。