- Abstract: It"s the first report that Luocheng Fm.diachronism in lower carboniferous series in Huanjiang area of northern Guangxi. 文摘:广西环江下石炭统罗城组具穿时性在桂北地区罗城组有关资料报道中属首次。
- Lower Carboniferous is composed of sea facies fragments and mid-acidic component igneous rock. 下石炭统为海相碎屑岩及中酸性岩组合 ;
- The foreland basin of Late Paleozoic is accumulated by the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous. 晚古生代在前陆盆地率先接受了上泥盆统、下石炭统沉积;
- The biota of Lower Carboniferous is dominantly composed of coral and brachiopod in southwestern margin of Qaidam basin. 西南缘下石炭统生物以珊瑚、腕足类为主,岩性和生物有与东北缘相似的旋回特征。
- It"s the first report that Luocheng Fm.diachronism in lower carboniferous series in Huanjiang area of northern Guangxi. 广西环江下石炭统罗城组具穿时性在桂北地区罗城组有关资料报道中属首次。
- The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natur... 中下侏罗统烃源岩为一套优质烃源岩,但由于分布范围所限,贡献仅限于北缘山前带。
- The zimenqiao Formation silicolites of Lower Carboniferous is the country rock of Changkeng Au-Ag deposit. 下石炭统梓门桥组硅质岩是粤西长坑金银矿床的直接容矿岩石。
- This promising deposit of Kuolasayi in Xinjiang was formed in the paralic volcanic formation of Lower Carboniferous Dahalajunshan Group. 新疆阔拉萨依多金属矿产于下石炭统大哈拉军山组浅海相火山岩建造中,具大型矿床的成矿远景。
- The gold mineralization is controlled by lower carboniferous volcanic and pyroclastic sedimentary rocks, regional faults and secondary structure. 论述下石炭统火山岩及火山碎屑沉积岩、区域性大断裂及次级构造对成矿的控制作用。
- The stratigraphy is shown as volcanic formations of Devonian and volcanic-sedimentary formations of Lower Carboniferous. 矿田地层为泥盆系火山岩建造及下石炭统火山-沉积岩建造。
- On the basis of logging and drilling data, the Lower Carboniferous can be divided into 2 second grade sequences and 6 third grade sequences. 摘要根据测井和钻井资料,草湖凹陷下石炭统可划分为2个二级层序和6个三级层序。
- Yamansu Formation of the Lower Carboniferous comprises the main ore-bearing formation in the Xiaoshitouquan ore district. 摘要小石头泉矿区主含矿层为下石炭统雅满苏组第二亚组,火山穹隆及伴生断裂为主要的控矿构造。
- Tuhulasu gold deposit is included in silicated conglomerate, Silicated tuffaceous conglomerate、pyritized silieic tuff of Dahalajunshan group of lower carboniferous. 吐呼拉苏金矿床赋存于下石炭统大哈拉军山组底部的硅化凝灰质砾岩、硅化砾岩、黄铁矿化酸性凝灰岩中。
- The Lower Carboniferous Dahalajunshan formation consist of volcano molten lava and volcano clastic rock,and it is the volcanic construction of calc-alkaline volcanic suite. 新疆阿吾拉勒山一带下石炭统大哈拉军山组主要由火山熔岩和火山碎屑岩组成,为钙碱性系列的火山岩建造。
- Metallogenic background and geochemical characteristics of Lower Carboniferous volcanic rocks in No.371-Xibeipo copper-gold mineralization belt in the Yaxi area,eastern Xinjiang. 东疆雅西371-西北坡铜金矿化带下石炭统火山岩地球化学特征与成矿背景
- The wollastonite ore body occure in the exo-contact zone of quartz monzonite, the host rockis Yanguan Formation siliceous limestone of Lower Carboniferous. 硅灰石矿体产出在石英二长岩外接触带下石炭统岩关阶硅质灰岩特定的地层中。
- Taoyuan gold deposit locates in impurity carbonate rock containing volcanic materials of Lower Carboniferous,lower rock formation,littoral-neritic facies. 桃园金矿床赋存于下石炭统下岩组滨浅海相含火山喷发物的不纯碳酸盐岩中,金矿化严格受断裂构造控制。
- The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natural gas, and the Permian source rock contribution is subordinate. 研究结果表明中下石炭统烃源岩为研究区天然气富集的主要贡献者,二叠系烃源岩为次要烃源岩;
- The conodonts contained in this Formation all belong to the important member of the Lower Carboniferous and can compard with the fossils found in the Ninglang area of NW Yunnan, even with the findigs in Western Europe and North America. 坝达组所含牙形石均为下石炭统重要化石分子,可与滇西北宁蒗地区对比,甚至可远与西欧、北美对比。
- In the Northeast of the West Mountains the Cambrian System ex-posed, while the Changwu Formation of the upper Ordovician and Yejia-tang formation of the Lower Carboniferous covered the west side of themountains. 西山的东北部出露寒武系,而西侧为上奥陶统长坞组及下石炭统叶家塘组。