- urban low rental housing system 城镇廉租住房制度
- Rental house prices have gone up, buying house prices actually fall. 租的房子价格涨了,买的房子价格反倒跌了。
- Rental housing is allowed on deposits? 租赁房屋是否允许收押金?
- They pay a very low rental but the compradore keep the title to the property which he hopes will increase in value. 他们只需支付一点点房租,但是买办保留这些建物的所有权,希望以后能增值。
- The following night she took me back to the rental house, I cling to the passion of her, she stood up pressure on the bed. 第二天晚上她送我回租的房子里的时候,我情不自禁的抱住了她,把她翻身压在了床上。
- The HA and HKHS manage about 723 000 public rental housing. 由房委会及房协管理的租住房屋单位约有723000个。
- We decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage on our ruined house. 我们决定离开那里;去寻找一个房子租;那样我们可以在偿还我们被毁坏的房子抵押的同时可以自给自足.
- So the more unreasonably low the rent ceilings are held, the more certain it is that the ‘‘scarcity” of rental houses or apartments will continue. 因此,政府所规定的租价上限越是低得不合理,出租房源的“稀缺”情况将持续下去就越必然。
- Housing rental contracts: the rental housing area is? 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?
- Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is? 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?
- In 2Q09, low rental schemes prevailed in many of the new completions to achieve occupancy target, pushing landlords of others to reset their rental levels to stabilise property occupancy. 2009年第二季度,新入市项目通过低租金吸引租户以达到较高的入住率的策略促使市场上其他物业不得不重置租金水平,以维持稳定的入住率。
- The HA and HKHS together manage about 723 000 public rental housing flats. 由房委会及房协管理的租住房屋单位约有723000个。
- To provide public rental housing to the needy,which is our priority. 第一,是为有需要的市民提供租住公屋。这是我们的首要任务。
- Mianma subsidiary machinery processing, sales, installation and rental housing. 棉麻附属机械加工,销售,安装,房屋出租。
- Even in rental houses, small appliances can not be slapdash purchase. 即使是在租住房里,小家电也不能马马虎虎购买。
- Party has called rental housing Chung Hau mother told how to solve the dilemma? 党叫租房娘叫买房自古忠孝两难该如何解决?
- Bedspace apartment lodgers are also encouraged to apply for public rental housing through the Waiting List. 当局也鼓励床位寓所居民通过轮候册登记申请入住租住公屋。
- Huasun on meals in the outside solution, is a rental house at the place they had to go back, so that their costs are increased many intangible monthly spending in 2000 should yuan. 孙先生一日三餐都在外面解决,租住的房子只是个晚上不得不回去就寝的地方,这样一来,生活上的开销无形当中增加了许多,每月花销都要在2000元左右。
- House prices are low; it's a good time to buy. 现在房价很低,买房子正是时候。
- Rooftop dwellers are encouraged to register on the Waiting List for public rental housing. 当局鼓励天台屋居民登记轮候公屋。