- Research on the Flow Coefficient of Differential Pressure Low Vacuum Filling Machine 压差式负压灌装机流速系数研究
- Low vacuum filling machine 负压灌装机
- SD-HFX-6000 rotary filling and cap-screwing machine adopts low vacuum filling to ensure filling accurately without bubble of leakage. 6000回旋式灌装旋盖机采用抽真空灌装方式,确保灌装无泡沫、无滴漏,灌装量准确。
- QS-LGF-1800 rotary filling and cap-screwing machine adopts low vacuum filling to ensure filling accurately without bubble of leakage. 1800回旋式灌装旋盖机采用抽真空灌装方式,确保灌装无泡沫、无滴漏,灌装量准确。
- It can adopt general vacuum. low vacuum and isotonic vacuum filling without bubble and leakage. 旋盖采用磁力驱动结构,扭矩可根据情况调节,保证了旋盖时不伤盖。
- PLF supplies vacuum filling machines to the baby milk formula industry. 外淋巴瘘供应真空灌装机的婴儿配方奶粉行业。
- Low Vacuum Liquid Filling Machine used for Filling of High Adhere Degree Fruit Juice 用低真空负压液体灌装机灌装粘度大的果汁饮料
- The design of control system for the vacuum filling machine under the control of PLC PLC控制的真空加注机控制系统设计
- vacuum filling machine 真空填充机
- This paper introduces one special case of low vacuum of cyclotron. 介绍了回旋加速器的一例真空度不足的特殊故障。
- Why Wait Machinery : oil extracting and draining machine ,oil filling machine, used oil drainer, vacuum type oil extracting machine,Wet &Dry Separating Vacuum Cleaner Wet ....etc. 桦伟:专于汽车维修设备;乾溼吸尘器;吸油机;业于汽车维修设备;润滑设备;吸油机...等等
- The last number of this ration filling machine seies is the max. 本系列定量充填机型号最尾的数字为最大充填量。
- This machine has a vacuum filling and two turntables, filling turntable there were six-position, providing bags, feeding, filling prestrain seal until wrappage to the vacuum of the turntable. 该机有充填和抽真空两个转台,充填转台有6个工位,完成供袋、投料、充填预封口直至将包装件送至抽真空转台。
- Automotive capsule filling machines NO. 全自动胶囊充填机。
- The filling category of lower vacuum (Z type machine) is applicable in glass bottles, filling alcohol.Soy and such like materials.The aluminum theft proof cap and lastic cap can be adopted. 低真空灌装方式(Z型机),适用于玻璃瓶、灌装酒类、酱油等物料,其封口方式可以选配铝金属防盗盖和塑料盖。
- This study is very useful for the optimized design of RF MEMS capacitive switches working in low vacuum. 该研究对低真空封装的RF MEMS电容式开关的优化设计很有意义.
- The paper discusses some problems on small steam turbine generator unit for low vacuum heating. 本文着重讨论了小型凝汽式汽轮发电机组低真空供热的几个问题。
- A novel technique has been successfully developed to non destructively detect the low vacuum inside the canned food. 本文比较全面、系统地介绍了一种食品罐头真空度的无损检测方法。
- Main Tasks: - Build and assemble the electrical parts of the equipment (filling machine). (建造和安装灌装设备的电气部件)。
- In addition,the low vacuum varying pressure heat treatment furnace is cheap when it is compared with the vacuum heat treatment furnace and is mor... 广泛采用低真空变压热处理技术是缩短我国同发达国家之间差距的捷径之一。