- Low Angle Reentry Vehicle 小角度再人(大气层)飞行器
- Low Angle Reentry 低角度再人
- A space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramic shield. 重返大气层航天运载工具配备陶瓷保护层装置
- Abrupt silence. LOW ANGLE on steel door. 突然寂静,低角镜头照在门上。
- We can shoot high-speed from a low angle. 我们可以从很低的角度 高速拍摄。
- A cannon with a long barrel and a relatively low angle of fire. 大炮有一长炮管及相对较低的射角的大炮
- The maneuverable flight reentry vehicle with lift-body can improve the maneuver ability by using BTT control methods. 摘要针对再入机动升力采用BTT控制方法可以提高升力体的机动能力,提出了一种新型的升力体再入体智能BTT控制方法。
- low observable reentry vehicle (LORV) 小雷达截面再入飞行器
- He characterizes more standard reentry vehicle designs, which typically minimize the g-forces on the occupants using more complex systems, as being more dangerous and expensive. 鲁丹认为,一般标准的重返载具设计,为降低作用在乘客身上重力所运用的复杂系统,是较危险且昂贵的。
- For example, putting the warhead in a reentry vehicle shaped like a sharply pointed cone and coated with radar-absorbing material could significantly shrink the object's appearance on X-band radar. 举例来说,把弹头置入尖锐锥状的重返大气载具内,并于载具的外表涂布吸收雷达波的材料,就可大幅降低弹头在X频段雷达上的迹讯。
- The western tongue has a synclinal bottom configuration, the axis of which plunges at a low angle towards the fault. 岩体西支具有一向斜底的形状,其轴以低角度向断层倾没。
- To a nuclear weapon designer, there is a vast difference between "design information for the W-88" [Cox] and "basic design information" on the Trident II "reentry vehicle" [Experts]. 对于核武器设计者而言,W_88的设计信息与有关Trident II“重返大气层飞行器”的“基本设计信息”之间存在巨大差别。
- LOW ANGLE SLOW PUSH IN on the massive, rust-streaked steel door. God, this is a terrible place to be. 低镜头缓慢地推进那扇沉重的、锈迹斑斑的铁门。上帝!这真是个可怕的地方。
- The structure of synthetic silicides has been investigated with the analysis of channeled low angle emergence and TEM. 用掠角沟道技术和透射电子显微镜分析了这种硅化物的结构。
- To a nuclear weapon designer,there is a vast difference between "design information for the W-88" [Cox] and "basic design information" on the Trident II "reentry vehicle" [Experts]. 对于核武器设计者而言,W_88的设计信息与有关Trident II“重返大气层飞行器”的“基本设计信息”之间存在巨大差别。
- One word of warning, however: Low-band DX antennas by definition have a low angle of radiation. 警告的一个词, : 低带DX天线由定义有辐射一个低角度。
- The hardware on the Pentagon's wish list includes items that have offensive as well as defensive potential -- such as a military spaceplane, a space-based laser, and a reentry vehicle that could drop bombs of virtually any size. 五角大楼打算开发的装备,包括具备防御能力以及潜在攻击能力设备--例如军用太空飞机、太空激光器,以及几乎可投放任何规格炸弹的再入式太空航天器。
- This paper describes how to model the deployment of pilot and drogue parachutes, introduces some examples using Reentry Vehicle Analysis Code (RVAC) and animation software (DISPLAY). 文章介绍了引导伞减速伞的开伞过程建模及应用分析代码 (RVAC)和图形动画 (DISPLAY)的实例。
- missile large attack angle reentry 导弹大迎角再入
- In other words, for the parallax effect to be visible, you need to be close the surface and look at it from a low angle. 总之,为了看出视差贴图的效果,你必须靠近平面并且以低的视角去看。