- A good education will equip you for the whole life. 良好的教育能够受用终生。(装备你一辈子。)
- I don't want to stick on the same place for the whole life. 我不想一辈子住在同一个地方。
- Loving for the Whole Life 锺爱一生
- She conceives love for the children. 她爱这些孩子。
- I'm stuck with my sister for the whole day. 我一整天都让妹妹给缠住了。
- Building the model railroad was a labour of love for the retired engineer. 建一个铁路模型对这位退休的工程师来说是一种乐趣。
- She refused to skivvy for the whole family. 她不肯给全家当仆人。
- The effects will last for the whole of his life. 这些将会持续影响他的一生。
- They impressed the whole nation with both their selfless devotion to their cause and their deep love for the motherland. 他们以对事业的无私奉献和对祖国的无限热爱给全国人民留下了深刻的印象。
- Her love for the child was very deep. 她对孩子的爱是很深的。
- It is universal truth that holds true for the whole world. 这是一条放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。
- Comrade Zhang Side had a deep love for the Party. 张思德同志对党怀有深厚的爱。
- Her friendly opening speech set the tone for the whole conference. 她友好的开幕词确定了整个会议的基调。
- The loyalties demonstrated their love for the country. 这些忠诚的行为显示了他们对祖国的爱。
- Health worries preoccupied him for the whole holiday. 整个假期里他一直为健康状况而担忧。
- Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child. 谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。
- The detective spent the whole day lying in waiting for the suspected man. 侦探一整天的时间都在暗中监视那个受怀疑的汉子。
- Contrary to expectations, Glen remained sober for the whole of the party. 出乎意料,格伦在聚会上自始至终没有喝酒。
- Love for the sake of loving is angelic. 因为爱而去爱却是神性的光辉。
- Love for the seek of loving is angelic. 因为爱所以爱是天使。