- Lovibond glass standard 洛维邦得玻璃标准
- Have a glass of beer to rinse your dinner down. 喝杯啤酒把你吃的晚饭冲下去。
- He looked through a pane of glass. 他从一块玻璃看过去。
- The car bumped and his forehead hit the glass. 汽车颠簸了一下,他的前额撞到了玻璃上。
- The milk slopped over the rim of the glass. 牛奶溢到玻璃杯外面来了。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp. 这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的一部分。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. 一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- I cut my hand on some broken glass. 碎玻璃割伤了我的手。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 这样的罐头认为是不合格的。
- He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock. 他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。
- I ran up against a glass door and hurt my head. 我撞到一扇玻璃门上,把头撞伤了。
- He pours wine into a glass with a tall stalk. 他将酒倒入一只高脚玻璃杯中。
- Their work is not up to standard. 他们的工作成绩不够标准。
- The glass hit him a glance blow on the forehead. 那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。
- This is the standard textbook on the subject. 这是这一科的权威性课本。