- Love will overcome everything. 爱情能够战胜一切。
- We possess the strength of mass organization, which will overcome everything and lead the proletariat to the world revolution. 我们有群众组织的力量,它将战胜一切,把无产阶级引上世界革命的道路。
- P: Patience, time, and money overcome everything. 耐心,时间和金钱可以征服一切。
- Come on ! Queenie! u can overcome everything ! 新的生活,新的开始,踏出我迈进社会的第一步!
- Be solidary and we will overcome the difficulties! 勇敢些,我们会克服困难的!
- I believe everyone will overcome the self. 相信每个人都会战胜自我的。
- I will overcome any barrier on my way to success. 我会越过通往成功的路上的所有障碍。
- I always believe love can overcome everything , can do nothing for sb in fact to this our foundation. 我总以为爱情可以克服一切,其实对此我们根本无能为力。
- Love will make up for his want of money. 爱情会补偿他金钱的不足。
- Your love will make him as outcast and a beggar. 你的爱情将使他成为一个流浪汉和一个乞丐。
- Love will creep where it cannot go. 爱情在走不通的地方就会爬行。
- The forces of peace will overcome the forces of war. 和平力量会战胜战争力量。
- No sin that perfect love will not redeem. 没有任何罪过,完全的爱不能救赎。
- Wherever I go, this unselfish love will always stay with me and encourage me to overcome all my difficulties. 无论我到哪里,这无私的爱将会一直陪伴着我,鼓励着我去克服所有的困难。
- But as a woman, especially a woman has long been suppressed, as a unique kind of romantic southerners temperament of the woman, the power of love to overcome everything. 但是作为一个女人尤其是一个长期受到压抑的女人,作为一个拥有南方人那种特有的浪漫气质的女人,爱情的力量战胜了一切。
- Fueled by my faith in my training, I will overcome all obstacles. 经过了心怀信念的训练,我将克服所有的障碍。
- We will face this mortal danger, and we will overcome it together. 我们必须挺身而出,共同挫败这一致命的威胁。
- Paras. 21-24 She refused to invite him until she had overcome everything. 她因此拒绝邀请他,直到她觉得一切都已烟消云散。
- Love will tear us apart, love will tear us apart. 因为我爱你,所以我要离开你。爱使我们分离。
- My love will go on for you for ever! 尽管我经常让你生气。