- Major Ports of Louisiana State in the U. S. 美国路易斯安那州主要港口介绍。
- Louisiana State had an APR of nine hundred forty-one. 那么,顶级学校们的情况怎么样呢?
- Ohio State, rated number one, will play number two Louisiana State. 比赛在排名第一的俄亥俄州将和排名第二的路易斯安那州之间展开。
- Julian N. Hartt. The Lost Image of Man. Louisiana State University Press, 1963. 黄志强,《人生的真义》,香港:浸信会出版社,1970。
- The LSU Tigers are the athletic teams of Louisiana State University. LSU老虎队是该校体育代表队的名称。
- Bray is chief of the Clinical Obesity Center at Louisiana State University and a spokesman for the Endocrine Society. 布雷是路易斯安那州立大学“临床肥胖症中心”主任及内分泌学会发言人。
- It mainly introduces the management situations for major ports of Louisiana State in the U. 主要介绍美国路易斯安那州主要港口管理状况。
- And President Bush welcomed the Louisiana State University football team to the White House. 布什总统欢迎路易斯安那大学足球队来白宫。
- "Recalling the seminal years of the blues, convicts pick cotton at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola. 劳改者们在安哥拉的路易斯安那劳改所内采摘棉花,使人回忆起布鲁斯音乐刚刚诞生的岁月。
- TEAMS]: Shaq has played for Louisiana State University and the Orlando Magic( Florida). He is currently a center for the LA Lakers. 球队:他曾经在路易斯安那州立大学队和奥兰多魔术队服役过。他现在是洛杉矶湖人队的核心人物。
- Batzer of Louisiana State University, examined 100 different Alu polymorphisms in 565 people born in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Europe. Batzer),以100个不同的Alu版本,检验了出生在非洲次撒哈拉地区(指非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南的地区)、亚洲与欧洲的565人。
- The Louisiana State Penitentiary recently has a new type of guard on the grounds - a black bear weighing more than 200kg that likely wandered over from the nearby woods. 美国路易斯安纳州一座监狱内最近出现一头大黑熊,体重达200多公斤,可能是从附近树林中跑来的。
- "Bacteria are by far the most active ice nuclei in nature," said Brent C. Christner, an assistant professor of biological sciences at Louisiana State University. 气象科学家很早就知道在大多数湿度条件下,要形成雨雪,必须有一个让雨雪可以依附的物体(芯)。
- The way the warden sees it, the 180-kilogram black bear living in the middle of the sprawling Louisiana State Penitentiary is an extra layer of security. 佔地辽阔的路易斯安那州州立监狱内住了一只黑熊,监狱的典狱长认为,这只一百八十公斤重的黑熊让监狱又多了一道安全防护。
- Sanders, a 1976 graduate of Louisiana State University with a B.S. degree in finance, joined Sonoco in 1987 as national sales and marketing manager梂ire and Cable Reels. 桑德斯, 1976年毕业于路易斯安那州立大学的学士学位学位,在金融,加入索诺科于1987年,全国的销售和营销经理梂愤怒和电缆卷筒。
- Picking cotton at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola (one of the few places in the U.S. where cotton is still picked by hand), these convicts evoke blues music's ancestry. 在安哥拉(美国仅有的几处仍手工采摘棉花的地方之一)的路易斯安那州立监狱中,囚犯们正在摘棉花,正是他们引发了布鲁斯音乐的产生。
- Eric Ravussin of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, US, and colleagues conducted a trial with 48 volunteers randomly assigned to maintain their weight or reduce their calorie intake. 美国路易斯安娜州立大学的Eric Ravussin和他的同事在48位自愿者身上进行试验,随机抽取这些自愿者,让他们分别保持现有体重或减少卡路里摄入。
- The discovery at Punta Ycacos Lagoon in what is now Belize provides evidence of extensive salt production to serve the large Mayan cities on the interior of the Yucatan Peninsula, reports researcher Heather McKillop of Louisiana State University. 据美联社4月4日报道,美国路易斯安那州立大学的研究人员希瑟·基洛普表示,这些制盐作坊是在现今洪都拉斯首都伯利兹城发现的,这一发现为当时尤卡坦半岛内的制盐业繁荣提供了证据,当时为了满足玛雅一些大城市的需求,人们大规模地进行食盐生产。
- Popular during the bubble, these securitizations lack attributes, like large pools of loans with similar terms, to create strong demand in saner times, says Joseph Mason of Louisiana State University. 路易斯安那州立大学的梅森(JosephMason)说,这些证券化产品在泡沫时期很受欢迎,但在更为清醒的时期,它们像具有类似条款的大量贷款一样,缺乏激发强劲需求的属性。
- This is the homepage of the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences at Louisiana State University.The site provides information about it's staff, organizations, education and research. 这是美国路易斯安那州立大学海洋学与海岸科学系的主页,提供该系的师资情况、教育活动、科学研究等方密的信息。