- Los Alamos Water Boiler 洛斯阿拉莫斯沸腾反应堆
- Only 77 workers at Los Alamos, N. 只有77个工人在洛萨拉摩斯的;N.
- Four scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory (Bryan L. 美国洛沙拉摩斯国家实验室的四位科学家费雷(BryanL.
- To my knowledge,the Los Alamos laboratory has very tight security measures. 据我所知,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室里的保密措施十分严密。
- To my knowledge, the Los Alamos laboratory has very tight security measures. 据我所知,美国洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室里的保密措施十分严密。
- As Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists Baolian L.Cheng, Richard I. 正如美国洛沙拉摩斯国家实验室的科学家程宝连、艾普斯坦(RichardI.
- American physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967). (1904-1967)在洛斯阿拉默斯指导了研制第一枚原子弹工程的美国物理学家。
- It follows that the Cox Committee had no "probable cause" to accuse the "unidentified Los Alamos suspect" of any crime either. 它同时也表明,考克斯委员会没有任何起码的证据来指控“未明的Los Alamos泄密案疑犯”?
- Only 77 workers at Los Alamos, N.M., are directly employed by the Department of Energy. 只有77个工人在洛萨拉摩斯的;N.;M
- Cellular automata were invented in the 1940s by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam at Los Alamos National Laboratory. 20世纪40年代冯?诺伊曼与乌拉姆在洛塞勒摩斯国家实验室发明细胞自动机。
- I presented my first paper on nuclear terrorism at a conference in Los Alamos, N.M., in 1975. 我发表了第一篇关于核恐怖主义的一次会议上;在洛斯阿拉莫斯;n.;m
- It is used as a protector of all-pole disconnection,which is suited for water heater,water boiler,cylinder washer. 适用于整机全极断开保护的热水器,开水器、洗衣机等。
- It is used as a protect of all-pole disconnection,which is suited f water heater,water boiler,cylinder washer. 适用于整机全极断开保护的热水器,开水器、洗衣机等。
- One experiment in 2002 at Los Alamos National Laboratory created a 10-kilometer link. 洛沙拉摩斯国家实验室在2002年所做的一个实验,建造出一个10公里远的连结。
- Nicholas Metropolis, Arianna W. Rosenbluth, Marshall N. Rosenbluth, and Augusta H. Teller, Los Alamos Scientific ... 被引用次数:11592-相关文章-网页搜索-图书馆搜索-所有8个版本
- Rent: USD7500/month or RMB 62000/month. Include tax, management fee, maintenance fee for elevator, air conditioner, heating floor system, hot water boiler, water softener system. 月租:美金8000元。包税金,管理费,电梯维修保养费,空调保养费,地暖保养费,锅炉及软水系统保养费。
- In 1990, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Los Alamos National Laboratory began embracing new missions. 1990年,柏林围墙倒下,美国洛沙拉摩斯国家实验室开始接受新的任务。
- Presents the design of air conditioning and ventilation system, especially the design of the ice storage and modular water boiler system. 摘要介绍了该工程的空调通风系统设计,着重介绍了冰蓄冷和模块化热水锅炉的设计。
- I lived and worked for more than twenty years high atop the Los Alamos mesas in the foothills of New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Mountains. 在洛斯阿拉莫斯山的山顶上,我工作和生活了二十多年。
- Puts forward several ways to solve overpressure of the hot water boiler for a project.Applies the pressure diagram to analyze the problem. 对某工程中出现的热水锅炉超压问题提出几种解决办法,利用水压图进行分析。