- Studies on the Phenolic Acid Compounds from Lonicera confusa DC. 山银花中酚酸类成分研究。
- Objective: To compare the content of caffeotannic acid in lonicera confusa DC at different place of production. 目的:比较不同产地山银花药材中有效成分绿原酸的含量;
- Lonicera confusa DC. 山银花
- Comparative Study on the Content of Caffeotannic Acid in Lonicera Confusa DC at Different Place of Production 不同产地山银花有效成分绿原酸含量的比较研究
- Lonicera confusa DC 山银花
- Description: Caterpillars feed on Lonicera confusa and Lonicera macrantha. Wingspan ranges from 55 to 70mm. They occur from February to December. 形容:幼虫食用华南忍冬和大花忍冬;展翅约55至70毫米;二月至十二月可见.
- Objective To explore an approach to identifying the plant source of Flos Lonicerae and Lonicera confusa rapidly, precisely, and efficiently. 目的探求一种准确、简便、快速鉴定金银花药材和山银花药材植物来源的方法。
- Keywords honeysuckle flower;Lonicera confusa;chemical constituents; 关键词金银花;华南忍冬;山银花;化学成分;
- Keywords Honeysuckle flower;Lonicera confusa DC.;Chemical constituents;Phenolic acid; 金银花;华南忍冬;山银花;化学成分;酚酸类;
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- Lonicera confusan. 华南忍冬
- Lonicera macranthoides Hand.-Mazz. 假大花忍冬
- I acknowledged that it might well NOT be DC or NY. 我知道那些地方不一定是纽约市或华盛顿特区。
- Lonicera similis Hemsl.var.delavayi (Franch.)Rehd. 吊子银花
- Lonicera similis Hemsl.var.delavayi Rehd. 吊子银花
- Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. 桔梗
- Ligularia macrophylla(Ledeb.)DC. 大叶橐吾
- Lonicera edulis is the plant of Caprifoliaceae. 蓝靛果是忍冬科植物。
- Torricellia tiliifolia(Wall.)DC. 鞘柄木
- Lonicera caerulea L. var. edulis Turcz. ex Herd. 蓝锭果忍冬