- Longmenshan Orogen 龙门山造山带
- Qinling-Dabieshan Orogen, Jiangnan Tectonic Zone, Longmenshan Tectonic Zone, Sichuan Basin, Hefei Basin, Lower Yangtze, Shiwan-Mountains Basin, South China Sea, and Ardennes. 秦岭-大别造山带、江南构造带、龙门山构造带、四川盆地、合肥盆地、下扬子盆地、十万大山盆地、南海北部盆地及法国北部等地区。
- South Tianshan: a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen? 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?
- South Tianshan:a Late Paleozoic or a Triassic orogen? 南天山:晚古生代还是三叠纪碰撞造山带?
- The reasearch area is delimitated by Xianshuihe Fault and Longmenshan Fault. 坝区外围还存在象抚边河断裂这样的近期强烈活动过的断层等。
- The result also support that the Mesoproterozoic orogen in KangdianArea may be related to Grenville orogeny. 富良棚凝灰岩SHRIMP U-Pb年龄也表明康滇南部发育的中元古代晚期造山活动,可能与全球Grenville期造山运动相关。
- The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. 八卦山背斜位于台湾西部的逆冲褶皱带,总体生长是从北向南发展的。
- The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the foreland tectonic belt of the Dabieshan orogen. 长江中下游地区,是大别造山带的前陆构造带。
- Longmenshan fault zone, being collision boundary of Chuan Qing with Yangtze block,is charactered by especial tectonic and segmentation. 龙门山断裂构造带作为川青地块与扬子地块的碰撞边界,具有特殊的构造性质及明显的分段性。
- Title: An evaluation of zircon U-Pb dating for metamorphic rocks and comments on zircon ages of Dabie orogen. 关键词:锆石计时;岩浆锆石和变质锆石;蜕晶化作用;增生-混合作用;重结晶作用;大别山年代学
- The piedmont zone of the North Longmenshan is located at the fault front structural zone of buried faults of the nappe structural belt. 龙门山北段山前带处于推覆体构造带的断层隐伏前锋构造带,已发现中坝、河湾场气田和较多油气显示。
- Geologists at home and aborad are now focusing on research on the Qinling orogen. 秦岭造山带是当今国内外地学界关注的全球性地学研究地区之一。
- Several sections of Longtan Formation within Baishi Goujia klippe in the middle south section of Longmenshan structure zone are described. 详细描述了龙门山构造带中南段白石-苟家大型飞来峰多条龙潭组地层剖面,讨论了龙潭组的岩石组合特征及其横向变化规律。
- The Baguamiao gold deposit is the only superlarge gold deposit in the Qinling orogen. 八卦庙金矿是秦岭造山带唯一的超大型金矿床,曾被认为是微细浸染型(卡林型)金矿。
- Rheology is the liaison between geometry and kinematics as well as dynamics of continental orogen. 流变学研究是大陆造山带几何学、运动学和动力学的桥梁。
- Hefei Basin is a Mz-Cz residual basin generated from common action by Dabie orogen and Tanlu (Tancheng? 合肥盆地是大别造山带和郯庐断裂带共同作用产生的中新生代残留盆地。
- Delt-frong acclivity and shallow lake are a major type of sedimentary sub-facies of the Suining formation of Upper Jurassic, and the provenance is uplifted area of Longmenshan. 摘要洛带气田遂宁组主要为三角洲前缘斜坡亚相和浅湖亚相沉积,其物源区为龙门山隆起区。
- The Kuangshanliang area in the northern Longmenshan fold-thrust belt,experienced two episodes of tectonic deformations in the Late Triassic and the Cenozoic. 矿山梁构造是龙门山冲断带北段典型的前锋构造之一,经历了晚三叠世和新生代两期构造挤压变形。
- The earthquake’s epicenter and focal-mechanism are consistent with it having occurred as the result of movement on the Longmenshan fault or a tectonically related fault. 这次地震的震中及震源机制是一致的,它有发生的结果,运动对龙门山故障,或构造有关的故障。
- Recent studies show, however, that rapakivi granites can be formed in age from Archaean to Phanerozoic and can even occur in orogen. 环斑花岗岩既可以出现于从太古代到显生宙的各个地质时期,也可以产生于造山带中。