- Long Duration Expendable Decoy 长效可消耗型诱饵
- Linux system performance was not degraded during the long duration of the run. Linux系统性能在长时间的运行中没有下降。
- Asverin can be administered safely for a long duration without any side effect. 安嗽灵可长期服用,既安全又无副作用。
- Arcane Bindings it has a longer duration. 秘法不动咒进阶版。持续时间较长。
- AF and DWI are associated with long duration TIA. Multiple TIA is associated with short duration TIA. 房颤、DWI异常与长时程TIA相关,多次发作与短时程TIA相关。
- Please list and define the power system disturbances which are classified as long duration variation. 3请写出"电力系统长时间持续不稳定变化"的定义?
- Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy 高级机载一次性使用假目标
- Airborne Active Expendable Decoy 机载有源投掷一次式诱饵
- Wang Jing-weis national defeatism was charaterized by its early emergence, long duration and serious consequence. 汪精卫民族失败主义具有产生早、时间长、危害性大的特点。
- The manufacturers of the processor affirm that by using of this processor may be emitted sound of rather long duration. 处理机的制造业者藉着这一个处理机的使用断言那可能被发出相当长的期间声音。
- The nebula was discovered only in 1895 by E.E.Barnard on long duration film exposures. 仅在1895年巴纳德环才在长时间曝光的星云照片上被发现。
- Indolent lymphoma can have a very long duration often without the need for treatment but is not often cured. 慢性淋巴瘤通常发展期漫长并且不需要治疗,但是通常也难以治愈。
- Calvert, in the high temperature environment to provide a long duration of protection, prevention brake failure. 高沸点,在高温环境下提供长期限保护,预防刹车失灵。
- ERAST;high altitude;long duration;Predator surveillance drone;General Atomics/Aeronautical Systems Inc. 学 科: 航空、航天科学技术 关 键 词: Altus I;
- The condenser, easy to operate, isfeatured with its antiseptic performance and long duration with a reasonsble composition. 具有结构合理、腐性能好,使用方便、久耐用等特点。
- These are usually inversely related, i. E., High intensity storms are likely to be of short duration and low intensity storms can have a long duration. 通常强度与降雨时间的长短成反比,换句话说,高强度的暴风雨很可能会持续较短的时间,而低强度的暴风雨会持续比较长的时间。
- The cyclamen in good quality is graceful in style, bright and beautiful in color, artistic in stem, and it is of the medium height and of long duration of flower. 摘要仙客来的花姿优美,花色艳丽,株型美观,高低适中,花期长,为国际花卉市场主要盆栽观赏花卉之一。
- The ProLine Series is developed for longer duration use in tough environments. ProLine系列被发展为更长的持续在粗暴环境里的人使用。
- The risks increase with adanced age, higher doses, and longer duration of use. 随着年龄增加、高剂量、长时间持续使用,上述危险增加。
- The risks increase with advanced age, higher doses, and longer duration of use. 随着年龄增加、高剂量、长时间持续使用,上述危险增加。