- London depositary receipts 伦敦预托证券
- Thus, premiums might persist for depositary receipts issued by Taiwanese firms. 及时将原股转换成存讬凭证,因此,存讬凭证的溢价难以缩小。
- After the earnings release, Nokia's American depositary receipts rose 11% to close at $14.88 on the New York Stock Exchange. 业绩公布后,诺基亚美国存托凭证的价格在纽约证交所上涨11%25,报收于14.;88美元。
- As a result, the company's American depositary receipts are down since its fiscal first-quarter earnings report last week. 受此影响,公司在美股价已较上周发布财年第一季度盈利报告时下跌。
- Hong Kong shares of Sinopec, which also is listed in Shanghai and has American depositary receipts, fell 3.3% Thursday to HK$7.87 (US$1.01). 中国石化在香港上市的H股周四下跌3.;3%25,收于7
- In this article introduces the concept, legal relation of the American Depositary Receipts and the advantages of the American Depositary Receipts as a means of financing lease. 本文介绍了存托凭证的概念、法律关系的构成和存托凭证作为一种投融工具的种种便利。
- Two ideas include Hong Kong exchange-traded funds and Chinese depositary receipts for Hong Kong companies, both of which could trade on the Shanghai market. 这方面的计划包括创建港交所交易基金和香港公司在大陆的存托凭证,二者都可以在上海市场交易。
- Chinese depositary receipt (CDR) is a certificate issued by a depositary representing ownership of a specified number of shares in a foreign company. 摘要中国存托凭证(CDR)是境外注册的公司在中国境内发行的代表境外公司股票的可转让证券。
- After a slump last year, Home Inns' American depositary receipts have risen from a 52-week low of just over $7 to trade around $36 early Tuesday afternoon. 在去年的下挫之后,如家美国存托凭证从52周低点的略高于7美元升至周二午盘的约36美元。
- China Netcom Group said Thursday it plans to delist its shares from the Hong Kong stock exchange and withdraw its American depositary receipts from the New York bourse on October 15. 中国网通14日发布公告称,公司将在10月15日从香港交易所退市,并将其美国存托凭证从纽约证券交易所退市。
- AQDII system would allow Chinese people to invest in foreign shares through select funds, while a CDR system would list foreign shares in China's stock market as depositary receipts. QDII机制将答应中国国内投资者通过某些基金投资于外国股票;而CDR机制将答应外国股票以存托凭证的方式在中国股市上市。
- Abstract: In this article introduces the concept, legal relation of the American Depositary Receipts and the advantages of the American Depositary Receipts as a means of financing lease. 文摘:本文介绍了存托凭证的概念、法律关系的构成和存托凭证作为一种投融工具的种种便利。
- AQDII system would allow Chinese people to invest in foreign shares through select funds, while a CDR system would list foreign shares in China‘s stock market as depositary receipts. 一位中国证券前高层监管人士说,中国在实施QDII和CDR两个机制前,还需进行更多的研究工作。两个机制的实施将为当地投资者投资于外国公司提供有限的机会。
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- Curacao Depositary Receipts (CDR) 库拉考寄存单据
- I want a cottage within reach of London. 我想要一幢靠近伦敦的小屋。
- ADR (American Depositary Receipt) ADR
- He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。
- I'll book you on a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。