- Logistic Policy Statement 后勤政策说明书
- The attributes of the policy statement. 策略语句的属性。
- Method to make a copy of the current policy statement. 方法制作当前策略语句的副本。
- Policy statements; policy issues. 政策声明; 政策事宜
- On March 19, FERC announced a policy statement and action plan, too. 3月19日,联邦能源监管委员会也宣布了一项声明和行动计划。
- We had our first rehabilitation programme plan and policy statement in the form of a white paper in 1977. 一九七七年,香港以白皮书的形式制订首项康复计划方案和首份政策声明。
- These transactions or functions shall be in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy Statement. 这些事务或功能应当与本隐私策略声明的条款保持一致。
- Develop and supplement related procurement &Logistics policy. 建立和完善相关的采购与物流政策。
- If there are no matches, the policy statement of the parent first-match code group applies. 如果没有匹配项,则应用父级首次匹配代码组的策略声明。
- The policy statement suggests the best means to prepare the medical office for such emergencies. 该声明给出了最佳方案以使诊所对这些急症做好准备。
- The policy statement says consumers must be able to get the lawful content, applications and services of their choice. 该政策声明表示消费者必须能够获得他们选择的法律许可的内容,申请和服务。
- We reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy Statement as any time and at our discretion. 我们保有权利校订这一份隐私政策报告当我们需要做任何慎重的变更时。
- If there is a match, this method returns a policy statement for the code group, including evaluation of child code groups. 如果有匹配项,此方法将返回该代码组的策略声明,其中包括子代码组的计算。
- As stated in clause A General Policy Statement, the University has no desire to interfere with the private relations of its community members. 正如甲项一般政策声明中提及,大学无意妨碍校内成员建立私。
- Joint Army-Nary-Air Force Logistic Policy 陆海空三军后勤联合政策
- Policy The policy statement for the code group in the form of a permission set and attributes to grant code that matches the membership condition. 形式为权限集和属性的代码组的策略声明,这些权限集和属性将被授予匹配成员条件的代码。
- Allows security policy to be defined by the union of the policy statement of a code group and that of the first child code group that matches. 允许由代码组的策略声明和第一个匹配的子代码组的策略声明的联合来定义安全策略。
- Represents a code group whose policy statement is the union of the current code group's policy statement and the policy statement of all its matching child code groups. 表示一个代码组,该代码组的策略声明是当前代码组的策略声明和所有其匹配的子代码组策略声明的联合。
- This Privacy Policy Statement does not apply to any of these linked websites and we are not responsible for the practices employed by such linked websites. 本私隐政策声明不适用于任何这些连接网站,我们对这些连接网站的做法一概不负责。
- The WTO report, along with a policy statement by the Government, will be the basis for the Trade Policy Review (TPR) by the Trade Policy Review Body of the WTO. 这份wto报告以及巴西政府提交的政策声明,构成了WTO贸易政策审议机构进行贸易政策审议的基础。