- Logarithmic Model Equation 对数模型方程
- Supposing adsorption belt moves at a suppositional rate, the adsorption model equation infixed bed can be set up through material calculation. 将吸附带以某一虚拟速度运动,通过物料衡算可以建立固定床吸附操作模型方程。
- According to shrinking core model, the model equation to be controlled by chemical reaction is deduced and the conditions of its steps are determined. 按照收缩未反应芯模型导出了化学反应控制的模型方程,并确定了化学反应控制步骤的条件。
- Based on experimental data,the model parameters and activation energy parameters for the kinetic model equation were determined by using a pa... 结果表明,所建生焦模型的计算精度较高,并符合催化裂化生焦反应规律。
- This paper introduces the operating principle, base structures and model equation of Coriolis vibratory gyros in accordance with the research improvements in china and abroad. 结合国外和国内的研究情况,介绍了哥氏振动陀螺的工作原理、基本结构和模型方程,供哥氏振动陀螺的研究人员和使用人员参考。
- This paper introduced the operating principle, basic structures and model equation of Coriolis vibratory gyros in accordance with internal and international study state. 本文结合国外和国内的研究情况,介绍了哥氏振动陀螺的工作原理、基本结构和模型方程,供哥氏振动陀螺的研究人员和使用人员参考。
- Using the method of topological degree, we prove the existences of positive almost periodic solutions for a generalizaed infectious diseases model equation. 摘要给出推广的传染病方程正概周期解存在的一个定理,并用拓扑度方法给出简洁的证明。
- Study of Allocating Family Bed with Logarithmic Model 重对数模型配置社区家庭病床研究
- All exponential models, power function models, root-squaring models, hyperbolic models, but logarithm models can’t disclose the laws of the post- construction settlement of the high embankment. 在指数模型、幂函数模型、平方根模型、双曲线模型和对数模型等回归参数模型中,只有对数模型能较真实反映高填方地基工后沉降规律。
- The factors affecting zone broadening in capillary electrophoresis - amperometric detection (CE/ AD) at a disk-shaped electrode were theoretically analysed, and a model equation about it was given. 从理论上分析了影响毛细管电泳柱端盘状电极安培检测区带展宽的诸因素,给出了区带展宽的模拟公式。
- The kinetic data was measured with a non gradient reactor, The parameters of the model equation were calculated based on experimental results by the Powell non linear regression method: k 1=0 152e -62073RT , k 2=8.18e -2384RT ,k 3=0.221e -18949RT . 采用内循环无梯度反应器测定了SO2 氧化反应动力学数据 ;并利用 Powell法对动力学模型进行参数估值 ;得到 :k1=0 .;15 2 exp(- 6 2 0 73/ RT);k2 =8
- The preparation technology of SPES/PSF blend ultrafiltration membrane was studied by means of uniform experiment design.The model equation of fluxes was obtained by means of regress analysis. 采用均匀实验设计法,研究了SPES/PSF共混超滤膜的制膜工艺,并通过回归分析得到了水通量的模型方程。
- A Positive Periodic Solution to a Class of Neutral Delay Logarithmic Model 一类中立型对数种群模型的周期正解
- The characteristic of the logarithm 6.3214 is 6. 对数6.;3214的首数是6。
- The model equations of outer contour generatrix are constructed by the use of third-order curve interpolation algorithm. 针对外轮廓测量得到的数据,利用三阶曲线插值算法计算母线插值点坐标和法向量等数据,构建出外廓形母线模型方程。
- This is especially the case for highly nonlinear large-scale problems where the dynamic model equations may be violated by large values during the course of NLP solution. 联立算法可以处理路径约束问题,仅仅在最优点处求解一次模型方程。
- The DFA (Drift-plute-Alfvenic),model equations describing the nonlinear phenomena of the equatorial F-layer at night are derived from plasma,two-fluid equations. 本文从等离子体二流体方程组出发,导出适于描述晚间赤道F层现象的DFA模型。
- The solubility model of anthracene in DMF,DMA and NMP was also established by UNIFAC group contribution method and the model equations were solved through MATLAB. 应用UNIFAC法建立了蒽在DMF、DMA和NMP中的溶解度的模型方程,并采用MATLAB语言对模型方程进行了求解,计算得到了蒽在DMF、DMA和NMP中的溶解度。
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- The Discussing of the Problem of Enlarging or Reducing Simulation Error by Double Logarithmic Model 双对数模型对模型模拟误差的放缩问题探讨