- File Discrepancy Locater Program - This program allows you to enter the file locations of two files, and then run a search on the two files to determine where they differ. 这个程序允许你输入两个文件的位置,然后在这两个文件中运行一个搜索程序来确定它们的不同之外。
- A location in memory assigned to a program. (电脑)分割分配给一个程序的存储器空间
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- Choose a central location for your house. 把你的家选在一个便利的地方。
- In computer programming, a jump instruction. 计算机程序设计中的一种跳转指令。建议使用jump。
- In computer programming, to execute a call. 在计算机程序设计中指执行一次调用。
- The town is a good location for a young doctor. 这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。
- Dominance by location; extent of view. 控制定位控制; 观察的范围
- The condition of being posterior in location or time. 在后在位置上或时间上较靠后的状况
- Formation, development and changes of the eye acupuncture region-dividing acupoint location program 眼针分区定穴方案的形成、发展及变化
- A variable in a computer program references a location in memory. 计算机程序中的变量引用存储单元。
- Pressing escape keep the splitter bar in their original location. 按escape以使分割条保持在其原来的位置上。
- A list of railroad cars according to owner and location. 列车编组顺序单有关列车车厢的以货主和地点为顺序而编排的清单
- Just as writing a fiction, programming is a process of creating art. 如同写小说一样,程序设计也是一个艺术创造的过程。
- The location or probable location of a mineral deposit. 有矿藏迹象处有矿藏的地方或可能有矿藏的地方
- In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location. 在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。
- He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map. 他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。
- A programming language for preparing computer-aided instruction courses. 一种用于准备计算机辅助教学课程的程序设计语言。
- A computer programming language widely used on microcomputers. C语言广泛用于小型电脑的计算机程式设计语言
- A person stationed in a given location as a spy or an observer. 间谍作为间谍或观察者处在给定位置的人