- Local Air Picture 局部气流图
- Amelia also enjoyed volunteering as a nurse's aid during World War 1. In 1920 Amelia went aloft at a local air show and returned "hell bent" on learning how to fly. 在一战中,艾米丽雅也热衷于做一名自愿的看护助理。1920年,当地一个航空展览会使她有机会飞上蓝天,从此她决心学习航空飞行。
- The plan proposes hundreds of millions of dollars in investments by the ports, the local air district, the state, and port-related industry. 该计划提出数亿美元投资的港口,当地的空气区、国家与港口有关的产业。
- Smoke from oil-well fires and burning oil trenches during the war, looting, and sabotage have caused local air pollution and soil contamination. 战争,劫掠及其它蓄意破坏活动造成油井与其它采油设施燃烧,产生的烟幕使当地的空气和土壤都受到了严重的污染。
- BAA and the Department of Transport have tried to show that adding a quarter of a million flights will not increase noise and local air pollution. BAA公司和英国交通部试图证明增加250万架次的航班并不会增加任何的噪音和空气污染。
- The two of us would make the commute to the local air shows several times on those weekends, just to make sure that we didn’t miss any of the acts. 我们中的二个会制造那些周末好几次对当地的航空展交换, 只是确定我们没有错过任何一个表演。
- UNEP's Energy Programme addresses the environmental consequences of energy production and use, such as global climate change and local air pollution. 联合国环境规划署(UNEP)能量组方案主要从事研究能量产品和使用所带来的环境问题,如全球变化和当地大气污染等问题。
- The electric current in a lightning discharge generates a large amount of heat. This causes a very rapid expansion of the local air, resulting in rumbles of thunder. 放电时会产生大量热能,令周围的空气急剧膨胀,产生声音而造成隆隆雷声。
- Another time, threatened by a bear trashing his tent, Treadwell made a radio call in a total panic to a local air service, asking for an immediate fly-out from the area. 还有另一次,熊摧毁了他的帐篷, 崔德威在极度恐惧中向当地的航空服务公司打了一个无线电电话,请求直接飞离该地区。
- Analyzes the bacterial density of air-conditioned wards and the wards with out AC in a general hospital,and illustrates why the local air conditioning method is not fit for wards. 通过对某综合性医院使用房间空调器的病房和非空调病房中细菌密度的监测分析,说明医院病房不宜采用局部式空调方式。
- In big cities, especially those in fast-developing countries in Asia and Latin America, gridlocked traffic is responsible for health-threatening levels of local air pollution. 大城市中,尤其在经济快速发展的亚洲、拉美国家的大城市中,拥挤的车辆是致使当地空气污染危及生命的罪魁祸首。
- Graphic Air Picture and Early Warning System 空中照相制图和早期预警系统
- Recognised Air Picture Production 生产识别出的航拍照片
- From great to little followed : Nicotiana rustica L.> original cultivar> Oriental tobacco> Flue cured tobacco> Local air sun cured tobacco> Maryland tobacco> Burley tobacco Hearty shape leaf tobacco>. 种子千粒重排序为 :黄花烟 >原始种 >香料烟 >烤烟 >晒晾烟 >马里兰烟 >白肋烟 >心叶烟。
- But unlike the uncharted territory of preventing climate change, Beijing's local air pollution problems have definite solutions, even if we haven't got around to pushing them through thoroughly. 这么大一点的地方的空气问题也解决不彻底,况且解决这个问题不是没有现实的办法,不像气候变化历史上无先例可循。
- Enhanced Recognized Air Picture Dissemination System 增强型经识别的空中图像分发系统
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- My husband is a history teacher at the local school. 我丈夫是本地学校的一位历史教师。
- His son was indentured to the local blacksmith. 他的儿子拜当地的铁匠为师签订了师徒合同。
- Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。