- Liu Yun - zhang thinks Marxist views of honors and shames are an important part of Marxist theory. 刘云章认为,马克思主义荣辱观是整个马克思主义理论的有机组成部分,值得深入探讨;
- Liu Yun comes from SK telecommunications, before this 6 years, he takes up the post of area of SK telecommunications China all the time presiding apparitor and president. 刘允来自SK电讯,此前六年,他一直出任SK电讯中国区首席执行官及总裁。
- However, whether Google will be righting Liu Yun, or only temporary in the interim before the new president took office, are also being recognized in the. 不过,对于谷歌是否将扶正刘允,还是只临时在新任总裁上任前的过渡,目前还在确认中。
- Mr. Yang Hua and Miss Liu Yun. 杨华先生和刘云小姐。
- After the meeting, liu Yun plaints insufficient to the query of red acuteness, but he thinks, the meaning of this dialog depends on, can discuss the value of Internet and brand from another angle. 会后,刘允感叹对于丹的提问不够尖锐,但他认为,这场对话的意义在于,能够从另外一个角度来探讨互联网和品牌的价值。
- Liu Yun - ke 刘韵珂
- She paid a call on Aunt Liu on her way home. 她在回家的路上去看望了刘大婶。
- One day she happened to run across Xiao liu. 有一天她碰巧见到小刘了。
- Event Venue: Stone City Park (on the grassland beside Qin Huai Liu Yun Teahouse) 活动地点:石头城公园(秦淮流韵茶社旁草地)
- "Xiao Liu!" He cried. But she was gone. 他叫道:"小刘!"但她已经不在了。
- Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting. 刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。
- Author Sui TongboLiu Kezhong Wang JingGuo Suihua Liu Yun Zhao Ping (China Building Materials Academy); 作者隋同波;刘克忠;王晶;郭随华;刘云;赵平;
- Mr. Liu, I hope you do not mind your meat well- do. 刘先生,我希望你不介意肉烤得很熟。
- Is that Mr. Clark? This is Liu Wen speaking. 是克拉克先生吗?我是刘文。
- Zhao Yun scooped up Ah Dou, moved by Liu Bei's words. 赵云连忙抱起阿斗,心里非常感。
- Born from Jan20 to Mar22: DaYun, Zhu Yun, Ke Yun, Zhu Qi are all belongs to Wood. (1)初之气:(运可以在大寒节之前3天左右)运、运、客运、气的五行均属木,使得四季之春的木气过甚。
- Presently Xiao Liu rose and left the room to relieve himself. 没多久,小刘站起身,出去解手了。
- Ke Tso-fu snarled and pounded the table. 克佐甫怒吼一声,拍着桌子叫道:
- What's keeping Ke Tso-fu, I wonder? 怎么老克还不来!
- Shenzhen Chang Ke Industries Co. Ltd. 深圳市长科实业有限公司。