- Find the Litton Industries case. 查找林顿行业案例。
- USA Mirage Int'l Industries Inc. 美国美乐奇国际工业有限公司。
- Saint-Gobain Hanglas Nanjing Glass Industry Inc. 南京圣韩玻璃有限公司。
- Ms. Zhang Deli, CFO, Shanghai New Epoch Information Industrial Inc. 上海新世纪信息产业公司总裁。
- AEP Industries Inc entered into a definitive agreement to acquire the plastic films business of Atlantis Plastics Inc for approximately $87US million in cash. ( AEP工业公司签订了一项最终协议,收购该塑料薄膜业务的亚特兰提斯塑料公司为约为87us万美元的现金。
- GH Auto Parts Industries Inc. 广州爱机汽车配件有限公司。
- A New York State judge has pulled the plug on Warner Communication Inc.'s $1.18 billion takeover of Lorimar Telepictures Corp.,ruling that the deal violates a 1984 pact between Warner and its biggest shareholder,Chris-Craft Industries Inc. 一位纽约州的法官已使华纳通讯公司斥资11亿8000万元接收洛里玛制片公司一案寿终正寝。判令认为此项交易违反一项1984年华纳与其最大股东克里斯·克拉夫特的协议。
- Jet Win Industries Inc. 乔登卫浴有限公司
- A New York State judge has pulled the plug on Warner Communication Inc.'s $1.18 billion takeover of Lorimar Telepictures Corp., ruling that the deal violates a 1984 pact between Warner and its biggest shareholder, Chris-Craft Industries Inc. 一位纽约州的法官已使华纳通讯公司斥资11亿8000万元接收洛里玛制片公司一案寿终正寝。判令认为此项交易违反一项1984年华纳与其最大股东克里斯 克拉夫特的协议。
- According to reports emanating from Japan, Toray Industries Inc is mulling to increase prices of synthetic fibres from August, in a bid to offset rising raw material prices and costs. 根据日本发布的报告显示,东丽工业公司准备从8月份开始提高合成纤维的价格,来抵消原材料和成本价格上涨。
- the China Textile Industries Inc. 中国纺织建设公司
- American Aerospace Industries Inc. 美国航空航天工业有限公司
- Timoshenko, S. P. and Gere, James M. (1972), Mechanics of Materials, Litton Educational Publishing, Inc, p.257. 史佳雯(2007);虚功法与谐和变位法之探讨与在结构分析之应用;国立中兴大学硕士论文,p.;20。
- At this time the watch and camera industries were taking shape. 这时,钟表和照相机工业开始形成。
- The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
- Wang Zhen is the general manager of WINTIM Inc. 王震是问天公司的总经理。
- SATKO Telecommunications Systems Management Inc. 电信系统管理公司。
- It is not the government's policy to prop up declining industries. 资助不景气的工业不是政府的政策。
- Computer Associates International Inc. 计算机联合国际公司