- She's a funky little broad that looks like a koala. 她胆小怕事心宽体胖看上去像只考拉(树袋熊)。
- Broad nose, well opened nostrils. Lips well developed with moderate flews. 宽阔的鼻子,开放式的鼻孔。嘴唇有适度下垂。
- Moments later a broad nose emerged and exhaled in a great snuffling breath. 不一会,一个宽大的鼻子露出水面,深深地吸了一口气。
- His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell. 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- His letter irritated me a little. 他的信使我有点恼怒。
- I have little compunction in doing it. 做这件事我没有什么不安。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- I reckon the girl is a little bit boyish. 这想这个女孩有点男孩子气。
- The little boat nosed carefully between the rocks. 小船在岩石间谨慎地缓慢航行。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一个或少一个对我是无关紧要的。
- That little bop made away with the big pie. 小男孩把大馅饼吃光了。
- Upper House The branch of a bicameral legislature, such as the U. S. Senate, that is smaller and less broadly representative of the population. 上议院:两院制中的上院,如美国的参议院,人数较少并且民众的代表性较狭窄。
- The Little brown bat can emit such an intense sound. 小褐蝙蝠就能发出如此强的声音。
- The big dog leapt up at the little girl. 那条大狗跳起来朝小女孩扑去。
- I mentioned at the beginning that they are reciprocally cause and effect, and that is what I want to clarify, at least broadly. 我在这篇文章的开头,就说了,它们互为因果,这是我想澄清的(最少是广义上的)。
- He gave the little boy a clout on the head. 他在那小男孩的头部打了一下。
- broad nosed finishing tool 阔头光车刀