- I am too busy to listen to her endless grievance. 我太忙了,没空听她那没完没了的牢骚。
- He stopped to listen to her talking. 他停下来听她说话。
- She gets the hump when people don't listen to her. 别人不听她的话时,她总是很生气。
- I wish he would like to listen to her words! 但愿他愿意听她的话!
- The boy inclined to his mother to listen to her. 小男孩倾身听他妈妈说话。
- She needed someone to listen to her tale of woe. 她需要有人听她述说悲惨的遭遇。
- He refused to listen to her tearful pleas. 他对她声泪俱下的恳求置之不理。
- We hope he will be willing to listen to her. 我们希望他愿意听她的话。
- Just listen to her silly chatter wears me out. 我听着她无聊的谈话就让我昏昏欲睡。
- No matter what she says, he wouldn't listen to her. 不管她说什么,他就是不听她的。
- Don't listen to her gossip; she is a cat. 别听她搬弄是非,她是个心地恶毒的女人。
- Don't be impulsive, listen to her story first. 不要这么冲动嘛,先听她说完吧......
- We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention. 我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。
- She found it a comedown to listen to her former subordinates. 她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。
- She shouted to the children, hoping that they would stop still to listen to her, but they seemed that they didn't hear her at all. 她冲着学生们大喊,希望他们能静下来听她讲课,可是好像他们根本就没听见。
- He listened to her story with a stony expression. 他带着冷漠的表情听她讲经历。
- She find it a comedown to listen to her former subordinate. 她觉得要听她以前部下的指挥很降格。
- Anyhow I listened to her request. 无论如何,我还是听从了她的要求。
- We are listening to her adventures in Africa. 我们在听她在非洲的冒险经历。
- He listened to her excoriating on the telephone. 他听到电话里她在叫骂。