- Ling Ai Ec 林爱意
- Zhang ai ling life is a gorgeous gown with lice crawling over. 张爱玲,生命是一袭华美的袍,爬满了虱子。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- Men ain't apt to get kicked out of good society for being rich. 人是不会因有钱而从上流社会被赶出去的。
- She held her breath as the horses came toward the finish ling. 当马群跑向终点线时,她紧张得屏住了气。
- Treaty whereby the UK joined the ec. 凭借条约英国参加了欧共体。
- It uses AI technics to resolve optimization of EC design and realize Intelligent CAD of EC(ICAD). 该工具使用人工智能(AI)技术来实现电路的优化设计,即实现电路的智能CAD(ICAD)。
- Ec minister meet today in brussels. 欧共体的外交使节今日在布鲁塞尔会面。
- Jin, thebo ling home country in Anping. EC Anping, Raoyang, Anguo, four counties in Southern Fukasawa. 晋时,于安平置博陵国。统安平、饶阳、安国、南深泽四县。
- This clause applies only to deals outside the EC. 该条款只适应于欧共体以外的交易。
- AI does not deploy outside of enemy gates. 电脑AI不会在敌人城门外展开。
- Xiao Ling is quite suited to is a forward. 小凌很适合做前锋。
- Connectionism is the newer form of AI. 相对来讲,连接主义在人工智能领域是个新生观点。
- About half of the trade is with the EC. 占出口的79%25进口的85%25约有一半与共同体进行。
- But don't you think you ain't going to pay for it. 但是你不要以为你是不会因此遭报应的。
- I'll contact you through the EC as necessary. 如果必要的话,我会经由脱逃委员会那边联络你。
- This is so called Artificial Intelligence (AI). 这就是所谓的人工智能。
- I'll talk about the future of the EC. 我要讨论ec的前景。
- How did Ling Feng make the baby stop crying? 林峰是怎样让婴儿不哭的呢?
- A friend that ai not in need is a friend indeed. 金钱上没有困难的朋友才是真朋友。