- Though unsystematic, Lin Huiyin's fiction theory is of great modernity. 摘要林徽因的小说理论虽然零散,却十分具有现代性。
- Lin Huiyin was the famous authoress in the thirties of the 20th century. 林徽因是20世纪30年代著名的女作家。
- But, regretably, the research on Lin Huiyin’s literature creation are not perfect. 但是,令人遗憾的是,对林徽因文学创作的研究目前并不充分。
- But Lin Huiyin didn't want to get involved in his marriage, so she hurried back to China with her father. 她不愿意介入徐志摩的婚姻,匆促地随父返国。
- To know, if not I was born a few years later than Xu, Lin Huiyin would fall in love with me. 要知道,如果不是俺比徐志摩晚出生几年,林徽因也会爱上我。
- Building beauty、music beauty and painting beauty are among Lin Huiyin’s poems like nature itself, organic integration being an organic whole. 建筑美、音乐美、绘画美在她的诗歌中浑然天成,有机地融合为一体。
- Building beauty、music beauty and painting beauty are among Lin Huiyin’s poems like nature itself, organic integration being an organi... 建筑美、音乐美、绘画美在她的诗歌中浑然天成,有机地融合为一体。
- Lin Huiyin visited and studied in Britain in her early years, her literary viewpoint and artistic skills were deeply influenced by British Romantic poetry. 林徽因早年游学英国,其文学观和艺术技巧深受英国浪漫主义诗歌的浸淫。
- Preface: This article introduces the present researches on Lin Huiyin, and probes from her glorious lonely lifetime into her exploration and pursuit of the new literature. 前言:简介当前林徽因研究的状况,以及本文欲从林徽因灿烂而孤寂的人生入手,研究其对新文学的探索与追求。
- The artistic form of Lin Huiyin s poetry is compatible with the poet s own life experience,which is the poet s observation and thinking of the physical reality and the life existence. 林徽因诗歌的艺术形式与诗人自身内在的生命体验是一致的,体现了诗人对形而下现实生存和形而上生命存在的观察和思考。
- The artistic form of Lin Huiyin's poetry is compatible with the poet's own life experience, which is the poet's observation and thinking of the physical reality and the life existence. 摘要林徽因诗歌的艺术形式与诗人自身内在的生命体验是一致的,体现了诗人对形而下现实生存和形而上生命存在的观察和思考。
- Fourth, inspects the Lin Huiyin unique literary arts thought and the significance which constructs to the literature main body, fills the blank of Lin Huiyin’s literature thought research. 四,考察林徽因独特的文艺思想及其对文学本体建构的意义,填补林徽因文学思想研究的空白。
- Epilogue: Summing up Lin Huiyin" s glorious lifetime of loneliness, as well as the literary value and realistic significance of her pursuit of pure beauty in the national new culture. 结语:归结林徽因灿烂而孤寂的一生,概括她对民族新文学发展所作出的特有贡献,并揭示其纯美艺术追求的现实意义。
- Lin Huiyin is an important writer in the Chinese modern history of literature, Although her Literary work quantity are so few, but these works are author's attentively masterpiece. 林徽因是中国现代文学史上一位重要的作家,其文学作品数量虽屈指可数,但是这些作品却都是作者用心灌注的独具匠心之作。
- Decades ago, Liang Sicheng, an architect, and the Lin Huiyin couple had called for the protection of Hutong architecture in the northern area when pulling down the old Beijing wall. 几十年前建筑家梁思成和林徽因夫妇就在拆老北京城墙时呼吁过保护北胡同建筑。
- Music is going to be taught by Miss Lin. 音乐课将由林小姐来教。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- Hearing this, he instinctively thought of Xiao Lin. 听到这话,他本能地想起了小林。
- The famous couple of Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin with Beijing urbanism 梁思成、林徽因与北京城市规划
- Mr. Lin will wash his motorcycle tomorrow morning. 林先生明天早晨将擦洗他的摩托车。