- A child was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中,一个小孩被雷电击倒。
- He says, while it seemed like a safeday on that Ft.Lauderdale beach, lightning in clouds traveled fromelsewhere in the region and struck the unsuspectingtourist. 他告诉我们,尽管当天在劳德代尔堡的海滩看来挺安全,但闪电在云层中从当地的其他地方向海滩袭来,击死了这位毫无防备的游客。
- A man was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中有人被雷电击中了。
- I observed a flash of lightning in the dark. 我在黑暗中看到一道闪电。
- The top of the mountain was covered in cloud. 浮云遮盖着山顶.
- The plane was flying in cloud most of the way. 飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。
- Two people were killed by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中两个人被闪电击死。
- A hiker was killed by lightning in Tuen Mun. 一名行山人士在屯门遭受雷殛。
- Lightning in Cloud 云中闪电
- The peak is enveloped in clouds. 山峰深藏在云雾之中。
- The top of the mountain was wrapped in clouds. 山顶为云层所笼罩。
- Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land. 孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。
- If still in clouds at 80m, pull up. 80米如仍在云中,复飞。
- Doc called it “God Almighty’s lightning in a container. 博士把它称作:“管子里上帝的闪电。”
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Supersaturation of Water Vapor in Clouds. 云中水汽的过报和。
- The mosquitoes were coming in clouds. 蚊子一大群一大群地飞来。
- It is like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. 它象平原上迅速蔓延的大火,象划破云天的一道闪电。
- They wondered whether it was in some way like the lightning in a thunderstorm. 他们想知道电是否在某些方面像雷暴里的闪电。
- Seeding caused increasing in cloud ice, graupel and rain water content. 模拟结果表明,实施碘化银催化后,地面降雨量增加、降雹量减少、地面温度降低。