- People of all colors and creeds have come here to celebrate the holiday. 各种肤色和各种宗教信仰的人聚集在这里欢度节日。
- Butterflies of all colors dance in the flowers. 花丛中,彩蝶翩翩飞舞。
- With great care, the painter pared off the top coat of paint, and discovered, as he had hoped, a valuable old painting underneath. 这个画家十分小心地剥去了油画的表层,正如他希望的,他发现下面是一幅贵重的古画。
- White light, such as sunlight, is really composed of all colors from violet to red. 象太阳光那样的白光,实际上是由从紫到红的各种颜色光混合而成的。
- With great care,the painter pared off the top coat of paint,and discovered,as he had hoped,a valuable old painting underneath. 这个画家十分小心地剥去了油画的表层,正如他希望的,他发现下面是一幅贵重的古画。
- White objects reflect all colors of light. 同样,绿色物体绝大部分是反射绿色的光。
- Give the walls a coat of paint and they'll look all right. 墙上要是涂上一层漆,看上去就会好一些。
- The title agent, with better light fastness, is widely used in top coatings of white and light leathers and imparts high glossy and flexibility to leathers. 该产品具有优异的耐光性能,广泛用于白色革及浅色革的顶层涂饰,赋予皮革高光泽和柔软舒适的手感。
- RU 2547 is a dull polyurethane polymer which is suitable for top coat of upholstery leather. It provides good coverage, uniformity and resistance without moving the natural aspect of the leather. RU 2547消光,但不会变灰白,耐光性极佳,遮盖性极佳,均匀性好,涂饰后不影响皮革自然外观。
- Of all things light goes fastest. 在所有实物中光传播最快。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- Look! Umbrellas of all colors! It really put me in the mood for being part of the Venetian carnival! 瞧!五颜六色的伞,令人不禁想参加威尼斯的面具嘉年华!
- The wall requires a new coat of paint. 这墙需要再涂一层新油漆。
- An outer coat of glaze on a piece of pottery. 外层釉陶器釉面上的第二层釉
- They are shinning, of all colors, seems that everything has not happenned, just fairylike lathers in the sight. 他们正在外胫,所有颜色,似乎是每件事物没有发生,在视力中的仅仅仙女一般的肥皂泡。
- This is a coat of her own making. 这是她亲手做的外衣。
- At this point, you can first be dark, as printed on the part of all colors & multicolour specifications. 这时,可不后不兵浅色印一局部,息为各色套版的规格。
- The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。
- The lead-up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons. 种族之战处于一触即发的状态,各个种族的囚徒们都在准备着武器。
- Gold electrodeposit as top coating of artificial jewelry made of copper and copper alloy tarnished because of copper diffusion to gold top deposit. 铜和铜合金饰品表面需镀金,由于铜扩散至镀金层表面,引起金层变色。