- Light Armored Turret System 轻型装甲炮塔系统
- Raiders now have light armor instead of heavy armor. 狼骑现在具有轻型护甲而不是原来的重型。
- Effective against light armor like robes or Dragonhide. 有效对付轻装甲或。
- Nullifiers are mechanical units, but have light armor. 废弃者是机械单位,但装备着轻甲。
- In total there were 80 medium and 30 light armored cars in the brigade. 总共有80辆中型和30辆轻型装甲汽车。
- Sorcerers are limited to light armor and can use daggers and two-handed staffs. 魔术师仅能装备轻甲并可使用匕首和双手杖。
- The Thor's anti-air attack also has +2 damage against Mutalisk's Light armor. 雷神的对空攻击对于飞龙这类轻甲部队有2点攻击加成。
- Nebelwerfer burning ground damage does not kill heavy or light armor. 国防军6管会见的燃烧效果不会毁掉重型或者轻型装甲.
- Vikings currently do additional damage to large ships, rather than light armor. 维京现在是对大型舰艇造成额外伤害,而不是针对轻型护甲。
- Light Armored Vehicle-Air Defense System 载有防空系统的轻型装甲车
- Lightweight Protected Turret System 轻型受保护炮塔系统
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport,such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队。
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队
- Nebelwerfer burning ground does not damage heavy armor and has significantly reduced damage to light armor. 国防军6管火箭的燃烧效果不会对重型装甲造成伤害,对于轻甲的伤害也将显著减少.
- With a couple of these on the field, it is quite effective at decimating armies of light armor units. 战场上有几个巨像会有效的杀死敌人的轻甲单位。
- The PF-89 is a recoilless rifle used primarily by infantry squads for engagement and defeat of light armor and bunkers. PF-89是一种主要装备于步兵班的无后坐武器,用来摧毁轻型装甲和碉堡。
- Close Combat Light Armor Weapon System 近战轻型装甲武器系统
- This ability will make the Battlecruiser even more effective against lightly armored air units, as the attack also gets additional damage points versus light armored units. 我能不能躲在那些超大体积的作战单元的背后(如雷神和巨像等)以获得类似于树林和悬崖的地面优势呢?
- Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Arrow Knight is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and shields. 武器和防具擅长:羽箭骑士擅长所有简单和军用武器、轻型盔甲和盾牌。
- According to the operations of antiarmed helicopter, attacking surface targets and antitank light armored vehicle, the superiority of electronic fuze is analyzed. 介绍了在防空反武装直升机、对地目标和反坦克轻型装甲作战中,电子引信的优越性。