- Lies a poor little lamby 躺着一只可怜的小羊羔
- Why would a poor little faun like me lie to you? 我这么小农牧神为什么要对你撒谎呢?
- It's a poor little place. My relations despise it. 这是个又小又破的住处。我的亲属们看不上眼。
- But he would lie there cold and white and make no sign -- a poor little sufferer, whose griefs were at an end. 他的眼睛被泪水蒙住了,只要眼睛一眨,泪水就会淌出来,顺着鼻尖往下掉。
- She tries to win sympathy by coming a poor little girl over people. 她在人前假扮成一个可怜的小女孩模样试图获得同情。
- She was lying in a bed in a poor little room, bare and comfortless. 她躺在一间简陋的小屋子里的病榻上,屋内四壁空徒,很不舒适。
- You mean a poor little teensy-weensy, itsy-bitsy defenseless bird? -Yes! 你是说那个可怜的无助的小不点鸟?-是!
- That's a poor little girl is speaking her own story, we are all not a dry eye in the house by her life experience. 那个可怜的小女孩正在讲述着她自己的故事;我们都被她的身世感动了.
- In the cold and gloom a poor little girl, bareheaded and barefoot, was walking through the streets. 在这样的寒冷和黑暗中。有一个光头赤脚的穷苦小女孩正在街上走着。
- In the cold and the darkness, a poor little girl, with bare head and naked feet, roamed through the streets. 黑暗中,一个赤着脚、没有戴帽子的小姑娘在冰冷的街上走着。
- His latest effort is a poor excuse for a novel. 他最近的作品只是一部劣质的小说。
- Besides ourselves, there was in this damp offensive room-a woman with a black eye, nursing a poor little gasping baby by the fire. 在这间又潮湿又闷人的屋子里,除了我们以外,还有一个眼睛瘀黑的女人,在炉火旁给一个奄奄一息的可怜的小婴孩喂奶。
- Reading in a poor light may bring on a headache. 在昏暗的灯光下看书会引起头疼。
- The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl. 狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施发妖术。
- Lies a poor boy with his broken toy 一个可怜的小男孩,还有他破旧的玩具就在那里躺
- We had a poor crop of raspberries this year. 今年我们的悬钩子歉收。
- On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. 在一个懒惰的激光器上放了一个激光消除器。
- The servant ran about to look for the bird. He could not find the nightingale anywhere. Finally he met a poor little girl. He asked her about the nightingale. 仆人去找那只夜鹰。他怎么也找不到。终于他碰到了一个可怜的少女。他问那个少女关于夜鹰的事。
- Across the river lies a newly-built steel bridge. 新建的一座铁桥横跨这条河流。
- Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience. 小说中的事远逊于实际体验。